

Dean receives Title of Citizen of Bahia

The ceremony took place last Friday at the Legislative Assembly of Bahia.


Photos Granted by Dr. Maria Luisa

The Orlando Spínola Plenary, of the Legislative Assembly of Bahia (ALBA), was the scene, last Friday morning (August 25), of the granting of the title of Citizen of Bahia to the dean of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani. The titling proposal was authored by parliamentarian Olívia Santana.

The session filled the plenary and the participants were able to enjoy the musical performance of the group Anarkas. The honoree was received with applause by physicians, professors, students, employees, authorities and representatives of various teaching institutions in the area of ​​health. In her speech, Olívia Santana narrated the life trajectory of Dr. Maria Luisa, born in the city of São Paulo, emphasizing her commitment to the training of health professionals in Bahia. “Now, by concession of the Legislative Assembly of Bahia, Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani has been consecrated a Bahian citizen, a Bahian in body, soul and past role. For her work in welcoming everyone, without distinction, it is with great pleasure and pride that we hand over this title, with much merit to a woman of struggle, committed to democracy”, she emphasized.

Before receiving the title, the honoree heard the speeches of the director of the Faculty of Medicine of UFBA, prof. Dr. Antônio Alberto Lopes, coordinator of the Medicine course and vice-rector of Bahiana, Humberto de Castro Lima Filho, by researcher and professor at Bahiana Dr. Bernardo Galvão and the president of Bahia Farma and professor at Bahiana, Ceuci Nunes. Also on the board of directors were public defender Mônica Aragão; the director of Teatro Castro Alves, Rose Lima; the dean of the Regional Council of Medicine-Cremeb-BA, Jorge Cerqueira; and the medical director of the State General Hospital, Marcos Almeida. “I told you, ladies and gentlemen, about a 48-year history of a baianity that feared not being accepted or not being legitimate. But that's over. From now on, when they ask me that inevitable question 'Where are you from?', I will answer, with a wide smile, with a certain air of superiority and without blinking, saying: 'God forbid I'm not from Bahia'”, he ended the dean.

Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública

