The Superintendent of Institutional Relations of the Bahiana, prof. doctor Diego Menezes, accompanied by the Dean of Extension, Prof. Dr. Carolina Pedroza, and the manager of People and Learning Management (GEPAP), Telma Bastos, received, last Friday (02/06), the director of Public Policies for People with Disabilities of the Municipality of Salvador, Daiane Pina, accompanied by the Manager of the Municipal Fund for the Elderly, Raildes Alves and Special Advisor Henrique Copello, members of the technical staff of the Municipal Secretariat for Social Promotion, Combating Poverty, Sports and Leisure (SEMPRE).
The meeting was aimed at promoting greater rapprochement between the Bahiana and SEMPER for the feasibility of public policies that support actions with social impact, in order to benefit the population of Salvador. “The City Council understands that the Bahiana is fundamental for the process of expanding public policies within the municipality, since it already develops several programs with this bias, including in partnership with the City Hall, such as ParaPraia, which has this look at the most needy communities, people with disabilities and elderly. We really want this partnership to continue, to be expanded and that we can encourage research, extension and projects for more people from more communities in our municipality”, declared Daiane Pina.
The institutional relationship between Bahiana and SEMPER has been around for a long time and has been strengthened through meetings between representatives of both entities. “It has always been a purpose of Bahiana, throughout its 71 years, carrying out extensionist actions with a social impact is part of the mission of our institution. Likewise, SEMPER has carried out relevant projects, being an innovative and proactive secretary. So, we are intensifying dialogues with a view to building a schedule of actions to be developed throughout this year. These will be actions that will range from training to assistentialism, permeating the focus on health, which is our institutional vocation”, punctuated Diego Menezes.
Research and Innovation
The tender will be released shortly.
Satisfaction, Infrastructure and Academic Services were the analyzed items.
Research and Innovation
doctor Bernardo Galvão Castro Filho is the newest occupant of the Health Sciences chair.