

ambulatory of Bahiana Health participates in the national meeting of the Raras Project

The event took place in September, in Curitiba.


The coordinator of the Neuromuscular Diseases Outpatient Clinic at Bahiana Health, Dr. Marcela Costa, and the professor of the Nursing course at Bahiana and member of the outpatient clinic Marilaine Menezes participated, on September 27, in the first operational meeting in person of Projeto Raras, which took place in Curitiba, at the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital. The meeting was a preview of the XXXIII Brazilian Congress of Medical Genetics, held from September 28 to October 1, in the same city.

In addition to the members of the outpatient Bahiana Health, representatives from various institutions also participated, such as universities, philanthropic entities and health units dedicated to research and fighting rare diseases.