

teacher's book Bahiana and writer Ana Marice Ladeia will be launched at the International Book Biennial, in São Paulo.

Anthology of short stories addresses love and the female universe, through real stories.


Book coverProfessor Ana Marice Ladeia, professor of the Medicine course and coordinator of the Master’s and Doctoral Program in Medicine and Human Health, launched, in April of this year, at the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, in Terreiro de Jesus, the book of short stories “Do Amor e do Amar - Stories of real women like you”. Now in its 3rd edition, the publication will be launched at the International Book Biennial, in São Paulo, on July 3, at 16 pm, at the Scortecci stand.

The author says that the idea for the book came about in July 2020, when, facing the deprivations of social isolation, due to the pandemic, she resumed, with more avidity, a habit she had since childhood: literary writing. The reunion was so intense that soon came the desire to write a book that would be his 60th birthday present, to be celebrated in July 2021.

Thus, listening to real stories of real women, Ana Marice compiled her literature in 12 tales that talk about love and love. “These are stories of women and their different forms of love. Characters who lived, through time, in different social conditions and with different difficulties, love and the feminine universe”, says Ana Marice. The book has text by the psychologist and writer Fátima Santa Rosa, preface by the professor and researcher at Bahiana Luis Cláudio Correia and back cover text by journalist Nardele Gomes.

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