

Bahiana is present at the XII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Hospital Psychology

The coordinator of the Psychology course, Sylvia Barreto, represented the institution.


“Diversity and Discontents in Health: ways of caring”. Focusing on this theme, the XII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Hospital Psychology took place between the 5th and 7th of September, at the Fiesta Bahia Hotel, in Salvador. The event, sponsored by Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, attracted students and professionals from all over the country and featured palliative care courses, lectures on the diversity of management activities in psychology and presentations, on posters, of various scientific works.

The prof. ª Dr. Sylvia Barreto, coordinator of the Psychology course at Bahiana and a representative of the institution at the event, participated in the roundtable on "Line of care for the elderly: from primary care to hospitalization", in which he portrayed the training process of the Psychology student at Bahiana and how the work at Complexo Vida Plena works, a project that proposes care for the residents of the Pau da Lima neighborhood.

“The twelfth edition of this congress is a very important event, as we expose our work, which is carried out with a lot of research and dedication by our students in the Psychology boarding school. The dissemination of this project of Bahiana, which is innovative in the university field, seeks to promote the health and quality of life of the most needy population”, said prof. ª Dr. Sylvia Barreto.

The master in psycho-oncology from the city of Caruaru, Renata Pacheco, was enchanted with the work done by Bahiana: "This moment was very uplifting, because this fantastic project, carried out with undergraduate students in Psychology, strengthens care for the elderly, who are more fragile patients and need an increasingly humanized treatment in the health field."

During the event, the Bahiana it was also present with a stand on the Professional Master's Degree in Psychology and Health Interventions, which had the objective of explaining the functioning of the course and presenting to congress participants the lines of research in “Care Practices and Intervention Processes in Extended Clinic” and “ Psychology and Interventions in Hospital Settings”.
With the purpose of reinforcing the social and humanistic activity carried out by the Bahiana, the psychologist and former student of the institution Samara Gonçalves was invited to share with the professionals present her experience in the internship of the Psychology course at Bahiana: “This internship was a differential during my training, as I had the opportunity to experience spaces that are very rich in learning, such as the human resources (HR) area, focused on Organizational Psychology and Primary Care, which focuses on work with the community through home visits”.

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