

Salvador hosts Latin American Congress of Fungal Diseases

Programming will feature a preceptorship coordinated by Prof. Ana Verena Mendes.


From the 14th to the 16th of November, the 17th edition of the Latin American Congress of Fungal Infections, at the Convention Center of the Hotel Deville, in Salvador. The event is organized by the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) and has the support of major scientific societies, such as the Brazilian Society of Immunology (SBI) and the Bahia Society of Pediatrics (SOBAPE).

The event's program also includes a preceptorship, prior to the congress, chaired by Dr. Ana Verena Mendes, professor of the Medicine course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. The activity will be aimed at young health professionals who want to deepen their knowledge in diagnosis and clinical management of these infections. The tutoring will be held on November 13, at Hospital São Rafael with the participation of many international guests and offers limited places.

The preceptorship will have workshops on clinical administration of fungal infections treatment, laboratory diagnosis of mycoses and how to investigate fungal foci. More information can be found on the website.


What: Latin American Congress of Fungal Infections
When: November 14 to 16, 2019.
Where: Hotel Deville Convention Center. | Address: Rua Passárgada, Itapuã – Salvador.