

Other Words in Health Research Group holds a Colloquium on Health Literature and Narratives

Event is the result of a partnership between Bahiana and UNEB.


To unite fields of knowledge and encourage reflection and humanization in health. This was the purpose of Colloquium on Health Literature and Narratives what happened on campus Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, in the days 10 and 11 May. The meeting was an initiative of the Other Words in Health Research Group (GPOPS) and had the support of Bahiana, through the Medicine course and the Institutional Program for Teacher Development (PROIDD), at UNEB, through the Medicine and Literature courses and the Fidelino Figueiredo Chair.

The first speech was by the professor of the Language course at USP Fabiana Carelli, who discussed how literature challenges reality and scientific discourse and how there are truths that can only be said by metaphor: "... the metaphor of the body, As Heidegger would say: 'only thinking and the poet can still save us'", he pointed out.

The program also included a workshop on narratives, given by professor Sérgio Zaidhaft (UFRJ). Listening to the other, transcribing and interpreting the stories told were the common thread to awaken sensitivity, memories and bonds, fundamental elements in the practice of the clinical encounter.

GPOPS emerged from the meeting of teachers at BAHIANA and UNEB, with the aim of thinking about the role of literature and narratives in medicine and health in general.