

Great reflections mark the 11th edition of the Nursing Journey

Meeting discussed issues of gender, race and women's health.


The chat environment in a living room characterized the XI Nursing Conference of Bahiana which, this year, took place on May 21nd and 22rd, at Campus Cabula, and invited participants to reflect on the theme "Women: Health, Gender and Race". The opening "living room" featured speeches by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies Stricto Senso, prof. Atson Fernandes, the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Prof. Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomes, the Coordinator of People Development, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, and the Coordinator of the Nursing Course, Prof.ª Simone Passos, in addition to the speeches of guests Tânia Bulcão, president of the Brazilian Nursing Association – Bahia Session, Lúcia Moliterno, president of the Bahia State Nurses Union and Joana Evangelista Conceição Silva, advisor to the Bahia Regional Nursing Council ( COREN-BA). The opening words were from the general coordinator of the Jornada, prof. Mariana Nossa.

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Tânia Bulcão congratulated the Bahiana by choosing the theme. She recognized the role of the School of resistance to some measures taken by the current federal government, in addition to reaffirming ABEN's commitment to defending quality universities: "ABEN is committed to fighting the setbacks we have been experiencing in the country. We are in favor of it. of quality public and private universities, such as the Bahiana". Tânia also highlighted the dialogue that the Bahiana it maintains with the communities, through outreach programs, "which are extremely important. This is transformative, as it leads students to dialogue and learn with the community, and the community to learn from the university, which transforms a social reality ".

Joana Evangelista Conceição Silva mentioned some COREN initiatives related to the theme of the Journey, such as racial and gender issues. “The issue of women, gender and race here is really a rewarding choice. It is good to discuss this. It is necessary to discuss how much we have a large number of femicide. It is important to say that we need to shout for them to stop killing us!" She also highlighted the actions of the Technical Committee on Health of the Black Population, which discusses the issue of diseases such as sickle cell anemia, hypertension and other illnesses that affect the black population.
In her speech, Professor Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomes reported a little about the history of the undergraduate Nursing course, of which she was the first coordinator. Prof. Atson Fernandes pointed out the importance of documenting the intellectual production generated in events, such as the Nursing Journey, and how this data compilation can contribute to the academic and professional framework of the area in the future.

"It is a joy to be together and to be able to talk about nursing, women, talk about prejudice and racism. The theme of this journey was collectively constructed. It was born from an orientation given by Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, who asked each course to try to discuss the racism. Because that would be the topic discussed by Bahiana throughout 2019", explained Prof. Simone Passos. "We are part of Bahiana, which is an avant-garde school that discusses social, emerging and important issues."

Art and Culture

The theme of racism was addressed by second semester nursing student Thamara Nascimento, who, at the time, declaimed her poem, "The wound that undresses me", already presented in the 2019 edition of Poetry Circuit.

As is already a characteristic of academic events at the Bahiana, the manifestation of artistic languages ​​was present in the program, with the presentation of the ACOPAMEC youth and teenagers dance group, an initiative whose main objective is to promote self-knowledge through dance workshops.

visual arts
"Brazil occupies the 5th place in the world ranking of femicide"; "In 2017, 60.018 women were victims of rape in Brazil"; "In the first 5 months of 2017, 15.751 cases of violence against women were registered in Bahia"; "In 2018, 4.461 femicides were registered in the country"; "9 Brazilian women were victims of aggression per minute in 2018". These were some of the data pointed out by the Jornada Art and Culture Commission, through a video clip that featured performances by teachers Cristiane Magali, Mariana Nossa, Alexandra Noemi Silva, Rosicleide Araújo Freitas, Ana Maria Cruz Santos and Ana Shirlei Maranhão Vieira and by student Lana Monique Santos Pedreira. The video, which was created by the professor of the Nursing course, Artur Gomes Dias Lima, is the unfolding of a photographic exhibition in which the professors appear characterized as victims of violence against women.

Still in the morning, the nurse, researcher and professor of the Nursing course at UFBA Sílvia Ferreira presented the conference "Gender, Health and Nursing". Among the questions raised by the speaker, the reflection "If we have so many indicators and procedures for care, why do women's death data remain the same?"

The 2019 edition of the Nursing Journey brought some news, such as a more effective participation of students in the organization. According to Professor Mariana Nossa, when choosing the topic to be addressed, the students were heard. Using software, a cloud of words was created, which were chosen by the students: "Then we collected what they liked, what they wanted to know, what were the demands, the needs and then, together with the faculty , we aligned these answers with the institution's main purposes – to discuss the issue of racism and women – because we cannot ignore the fact that nursing as a profession has an image of eminently female and that it historically deals with these gender issues ”. In all, the Journey had 154 subscribers.

Another innovation was the occupation of more spaces with the entrepreneurship fair, which brought together health professionals with their products and initiatives.

"I found, in Entrepreneurship, my hobby, my passion and the solution to overcome my family and economic challenges, turning it into much more than a source of income, turning it into my career", the speech is by Ane Vasconcelos, a student of the Nursing course at Bahiana, who, for the sustainability of his family, started to produce and sell sweets and snacks, through his Instagram profile: @aneecelos. Ane, who also works as a nursing technician, says that the two activities have caring for the other in common: "Within health, I got to know entrepreneurship and started making cakes. Today I perform both activities, I take care through the activity I'm a nursing technician and I'm also welcoming and sweetening people's lives in a different way. I love what I do, going to hospitals, caring, listening, providing this service, because I understand that we are here to serve".

In addition to the other exhibitors, the fair was also the space for the launch of the book "Management, Assistance and Teaching at Hospital Geral Roberto Santos – Evidences of Nursing Care in the Unified Health System", which was organized by nurses Aldacy Gonçalves Ribeiro, Carina Marinho Picanço and Rudval Souza da Silva.

The first morning of activities ended with the 6th Meeting of Nursing Graduates, where the guests shared their academic and professional experiences with the students present, highlighting the differentials that the Nursing course of Bahiana provides entry to the labor market.

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The afternoon of the first day of the journey was full of practical activities. In this sense, workshops were held with the themes: "Professional Health Practices: how to (re)act in the face of sexual and gender diversity?", directed by the Academic League of Sexuality and Gender (LASG); "Health needs of homeless women and their management", performed by prof. Jean Freitas; "Humanized delivery and non-pharmacological techniques for pain relief", with nurse Jordana Brock Carneiro and "The role of nurses in the prevention of cervical cancer and STIs: rapid tests and syndromic approach", performed by nurses Bárbara Perez and Ana Paula Vidal.

2 Day

Once again, the "living room" atmosphere was created at the Talk Show, an event organized by the People Development coordinator at Bahiana, Luiza Ribeiro, on the second day of the Journey. She received the invited speakers: Cíntia Mesquita, nurse at the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide – NEPS, at Hospital Geral Roberto Santos, Cíntia Maria Carvalho, obstetric nurse and Carle Porcino, psychologist and doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Nursing and Health of UFBA.

Suicide as a result of abuse in the home was the focus of Cíntia Mesquita's speech at the conference "Representations of suicide by women with a history of domestic violence". On the occasion, she presented the work developed at NEPS, a statement that was illustrated by the video "How to deal with depression and suicidal behavior?"

"Obstetric violence and the impacts on women's health" was the theme of Cíntia Maria Machado's speech, a subject that raised a strong debate among the participants of the Conference. "I found this opportunity to be here today and be able to carry out this wonderful and happy exchange enriching. I hope I have added value and reflections here so that those present can take and transform the spaces where they are inserted. I really believe in the power of students, in Bahiana, in the teachers and in the education that takes place in all spaces", he declared.

Carle Porcino's speech, about how gender issues should be addressed in health environments, was the motto of the conference "Specificities in the reception and care provided to transgender people and transvestites by nursing professionals". In addition to data from surveys, she shared with those present her personal experiences as a trans woman in contact with the LGBT community in the health units of the public system.

"I, as a pedagogue, felt really challenged to mediate a contemporary conversation, yes, and focused on health, but with such special people. The three themes mobilized me a lot. I'm much more touched, as I said here in public. I leave thinking about many things, I leave excited and happy to see the Nursing students connected, participating and, for sure, this will take a quantum leap in their education. Congratulations to the Jornada committee and to our Simone Passos, coordinator of this beautiful orchestra, thank you", declared Professor Luiza Ribeiro, moved, at the end of the Talk Show.

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“The balance I make of the Jornada is that it was two very intense days and full of discussion. And I think the main objective is to awaken this seed of the doubt of "I didn't know", of reflection. So I think that, if people even minimally leave here reflecting on 'what I used to do and what I can do differently', we will have achieved our goal. The Journey was able to awaken in this student body the need for (trans)training and then, when I put this “trans” in parentheses, I refer both to the transformative processes and to the transgender processes, which was one of the points addressed by Carle", points Mariana Nossa.

The theme of the entire journey aroused deep reflections such as that of teacher Cristiane Magali, who asked to speak at the end of the activity: I feel that a lot of people who are here would like to speak. I've been doing a reconnaissance trail for a long time and I understand that we are not bodies. I think it's important for us to locate what all these people here said, especially as a health care professional, and that led us to reflect that we are not just bodies, but that there are people, energies that inhabit these bodies. That we can leave here today, after these two days, already reflecting, as students and professionals, that every time someone like that is in front of us, we need to respect the energy and the person who inhabits that body (. ..). And I say this from the position of teacher, nurse and, above all, educator, because I think that we, also educators, sometimes violate the bodies of our students. And I'm not talking about the invasion and violence to a body by procedure, but there are bodies that talk about their pain, and that we sometimes have another requirement of our place of power and knowing when we define the that the student needs to learn. So I think it was too rich (the Journey), beyond the professional, the woman, for our being, which we really are. And when I said I wouldn't be talking to myself, it's because today I have another awareness in me: that I'm me with us. I no longer perceive myself as a being who, despite being unique, individual and needing to be respected, can only be (human being) being with others. This, for me, is so true today that anything contrary to it deprives me of myself.


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