

Physical Education Course at Bahiana achievement concept of excellence

MEC approves a course with a grade of 5, placing it among the best in Bahia.


The Physical Education course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública won the grade 5, maximum approval rating from the Ministry of Education (MEC). Upon receiving this concept, the course of Bahiana is accredited as a graduate of excellence in the state and in the country. This assessment is essential to maintain the high level of university education for the institution's students.

The visit of the MEC evaluators to the institution took place on April 22nd and 23rd. Based on the instrument of the Ministry itself and, in accordance with the pedagogical project of the course, the visitors analyzed the instruments that make up the undergraduate course. Meetings were held with the direction, professors, coordination, students and commissions and the infrastructure and documents of the institution were evaluated.

The professor and coordinator of the course, Clarcson Plácido, shared the reason for this merit. "This result is the result, initially, of a pedagogical course project built with different thinking heads, an innovative curriculum that is daring in all its axes, commitment of the faculty with the axes of teaching, research and extension and institutional support in all the logistics of running the course. Only the connection of all these factors makes this gear work harmonically”.

The teaching structure of the Physical Education course at Bahiana it has a unique project, as it propagates the objective of developing in the student a way of critical and global thinking, so that this future professional can see the connection of the profession with various social factors.

Regarding the course's faculty, Plácido explains how the constitution of competent educators helps to structure a quality course. “The formation of our faculty is something that puts the Physical Education course in the spotlight, as we seek to associate the expertise of each professor with the curricular components that exist in our curriculum. This ensures that our students have consistent information and leverage their learning repertoire.”

MEC evaluation process

Geisa do Carmo Santos, institutional attorney at the Center for Research and Institutional Monitoring (NUPAI), explains how the MEC's ​​assessment works. “A committee sent two evaluators from the MEC/INEP – National Institute for Educational Research Anísio Teixeira, who will compare the information that was posted on the e-MEC electronic form, according to the Pedagogical Course Project (PPC). The Assessment Instrument in its Legal Basis meets three dimensions: pedagogical didactic organization, teaching staff and infrastructure. These steps are quantified from 1 to 5. After the analysis, the final grade is reached”.

During the investigation, the MEC interviews the Course's Structuring Faculty Nucleus, the Evaluation Committee itself (CPA), the professors and students, at different times, and cross-checks the data from the dialogues with what is included in the PPC. The institution's spaces are also visited, such as laboratories, library and classroom. From this investigation, it is verified that what is posted on the e-MEC electronic form is in accordance with what is required.

Bahiana it is already a veteran institution in participating in the MEC evaluation processes. Geisa do Carmo Santos tells how the Physical Education course prepared itself for this visit. "THE Bahiana meets the entire Legal Basis of what is requested in the Assessment Instrument and exceeds in its actions. Thus, it invests in the pedagogical didactic organization, training/degree of the teaching staff and infrastructure and shows what it actually does in its experiences”.

