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Bahiana participates in the 40 years of Hospital Roberto Santos


The event open to the public had the partnership of Odontomóvel da Bahiana.

The celebration of the 40 years of Hospital Roberto Santos, held on March 31, from 8:14 am to XNUMX:XNUMX pm, at the Pituaçu stadium, had the partnership of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, through the Odontomóvel da Bahiana. In all, 83 consultations were accounted for, from instruction in oral hygiene, application of fluoride and distribution of brushes, to more elaborate dental procedures.

The event's program included: the street race, the presentation of the Military Police Band, the delivery of trophies to representatives of the HGRS, the presentation of the Laguna band, the football tournament and, in addition to the Odontomóvel, medical care services and the carrying out exams in the equipment of Fundação José Silveira and SAC Móvel.

Adriano Peres, teacher at Bahiana and an employee of Hospital Roberto Santos, was responsible for coordinating the action. “HGRS has partnerships with many institutions in the internship field. With the Bahiana, the specific area we mediate is hospital dentistry, so the institution invited Bahiana which he readily accepted. The objective is to provide basic assistance to the community, including referring patients to service units that offer more complex care”, explains Adriano.

Rita Lopes, 35, when visiting the Odontomóvel, revealed that she often finds it difficult to get this type of care: “Thanks to the guidance I received, I was able to learn about the correct cleaning of my teeth and I was even referred to the university for care. . I had a unique treatment! I congratulate the teacher and the students who came to do this work”.

Caroline Carvalho, 10th semester student of Dentistry at Bahiana, participates in LABESB, the Academic League of Bahiana in Education and Oral Health. The student says that she was invited by professor Adriano Peres, along with other students, to carry out the action in commemoration of the anniversary of the HGRS: “At the event, we instruct patients, perform screenings and care through the Odontomóvel, which has a dental chair for dental procedures. clinic".



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