

GERSON works win 1st and 2nd place at the XXII Bahia Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Medical students and professors are highlighted at the event.


"Use of etonogestrel-releasing contraceptive implant in women with sickle cell anemia". This is the title of the study by the Study Group on Reproduction, Obstetric and Neonatal Health (GERSON) of the Medicine course that received the 1st prize for work in gynecology at the XXII Bahia Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, which took place on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2018 at the Hotel Deville, in Itapuã – Salvador, Bahia. The study was presented by scientific initiation students Oziemile Silva Santos, Carolina Brabec Barreto Matos and Taís Paiva da Costa, by Professor Andréa Queiroz Vilas Boas, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Milena Bastos Brito.

Second place in the awards also went to a work by GERSON. This time, the award went to the study "Sexual function among users of intrauterine devices", a course completion work by Silvânia Brunelly Lima da Silva and Catarina de Castro Maron, with the participation of scientific initiation student Manuela Sanches de Aragão Pinheiro and master's degree by Ana Cláudia Moura Trigo and supervision of professor Dr. Milena Bastos Brito.
In addition, the authors and co-authors of the first awarded work presented the research at the breakfast of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Bahia (SOGIBA), on November 24, 2018, at Hotel Wish – Salvador, Bahia.

The Bahia Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics is held by SOGIBA and has the participation of renowned national professors, with expertise in various pathologies, and its mission is to qualify the approach and broaden the vision of the various gynecological and obstetric clinical situations.