

The movie "OKJA" is the subject of another School at School

Students from Colégio Oficina visit the Cabula Campus and participate in a practical biology class.


The friendship between a super sow and a South Korean teenager is put to the test when the animal, the result of a genetic experiment, is taken back by the corporation that created it. From then on, the sow Okja and her partner Mikha star in an adventure that points towards environmental activism, business greed and bioethics. The plot of the film OKJA, by South Korean JoonHo Bong, was the starting point for the activity "School at School", in which the Bahiana received 2nd year high school students from Colégio Oficina, on the afternoon of August 16, at Auditorium I of Campus Cabula, where the film was shown.

The action mentor and People Development coordinator at Bahiana, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, explains that the objective of the program is to encourage the continuous construction of the training and educational process: "School at School is a way for us to bring high school and elementary school teachers to be at the same level of conversation with our undergraduate teacher. We want the protagonist of this action not to be our teacher, but the high school and elementary school teacher, who has his knowledge and his wonderful experience as a teacher. So we open our doors for him to can use our structure and our human resources and for him to take a different class and feel friendly with Bahiana".

To mediate the activity, the coordinator of the Biomedicine course, prof. Geraldo Argolo, and teachers Théssika Hiala Almeida Araújo and Tanira Matutino Bastos, who are also former students of the house. After the screening of the film, they, together with the Biology professor at Colégio Oficina, Márcio Assis de Sá, discussed technical, moral, social and bioethical-related issues raised by the film production with the students.

Student Geovana Chiacchio dos Santos Ramos, 16, says that the theme of the film touched her: "I've always been very fond of animals, and the issues raised were very heavy. So, I think I'll take this with me for a long time. my life. In addition, I really enjoyed having participated in the discussion with the teachers at Bahiana, because they are very specialized.”
Marcus Vinícius da Silva de Almeida Galvão, 17, says that the action was very fruitful, considering that the school offers few activities outside its facilities in its academic program, but that this is the second time he has visited the Bahiana, as I had already participated in the program Bahiana for one day, when he was a student at Colégio Virgínias: "I have the impression that the people who study here come out with a very well-formed knowledge, both professionally and personally". About the activity, he highlights people's lack of empathy for the environment: "The film portrays a lot the fact that people deal with things anyway, regardless of what the other is feeling."

According to professor Márcio, Escola na Escola is an experience that enriches the learning of high school students: "They have the opportunity to know up close, experience the university and meet professionals here, giving their opinions, and the diversity of opinions makes with students to develop curiosity about the issues raised". He says that, when returning to the classroom, it is possible to see how much students are able to mature their reasoning and their critical vision in relation to the proposed topic.
Luiza Ribeiro draws attention to the social responsibility character of the initiative: "The Bahiana it doesn't have to exist just for the Bahiana, it has to exist for the community, whether it is a public or private school."

Check out the photos.