

XIV Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana honors 40 years of collaboration by the dean Maria Luisa Soliani

The themes ?Evidence-based health education? and ?Relationship between teacher and student? were discussed during the meeting.


Reflecting "New Ideas for a Better World" was the north of the XIV Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana, which took place on August 10th and 11th, at Campus Cabula, and brought together the faculty and guest speakers. The event also marked 40 years of work by dean Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani within the institution. Professors and coordinators of undergraduate and graduate courses were present and participating in the activities, in addition to the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Prof. Maria de Lourdes Freitas Gomes, and Extension Dean, Prof. Carolina Pedroza. Also present was the coordinator of People Development, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, who led the entire program together with the professor of the Dentistry course Sandra Brasil, also coordinator of the Institutional Program for Teacher Development (PROIDD), the nucleus responsible for carrying out the forum. 

According to Sandra Brasil, the main objective of this event was to work on the teacher-student relationship in contemporary times, seeking a better understanding of this relationship, which requires a deep understanding of the teacher's role, “We aim to expand the understanding of evidence-based health education, which allows the student to be better prepared to deal with the “sea” of available information, which needs to be transformed into knowledge, based on a very well-built critical-reflective analysis capacity”.

The activities opened with the dialogued lecture "Evidence-based health education", given by the guest speaker, the professor with a PhD in Medical Education, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, Madalena Patrício, who, on August 9, also participated in the special launch program of the Evidence-Based Medicine Center of the Bahiana.

The afternoon shift was filled with the dynamics of the panel "The Teacher X Student Relationship in Contemporary: Challenges and Paths", with the participation of: Maria Thereza Marcílio, consultant for the NGO Avante and pedagogue with a Master's degree in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education , from Harvard Univercity – Cambridge Massachusetts; José Raimundo de Jesus Santos, sociologist with a doctorate in Social Sciences, from the Federal University of Bahia, and coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program in Rural Education, at the Teacher Training Center at UFRB; and the professor of the Psychology course at Bahiana Fábio Giorgio Azevedo, Master in Education and also coordinator of the Youth Care Center (CAJU) and the Sensitivity Laboratory extension program at the Itinerant Mental Health Company (CISMA).

“The importance of the Pedagogical Forum lies in creating a moment of joint reflection on teaching practice, seeking to improve being a teacher and the value of movement from the perspective of action-reflection-action. At the forum, we create opportunities for teachers to share knowledge and experiences, we bring new perspectives on health education and we seek to include art to nurture the sensitive dimension of the teacher”, declared the PROIDD coordinator.

Second day: tributes and announcements
A breakfast brought together participants on the second day of the event, which had a special program. Outside the orthodox molds, the opening of the activities was guided by Dr. Maria Luisa, who is also a psychodramatist. The participants were taken by her on a submerged trip to the bottom of the sea, with the purpose of reflecting on the themes discussed during the forum.

Special PhD
In yet another innovative and valuing action of the faculty of the Bahiana, a special doctoral program was implemented about two years ago, which has already ratified the doctorate degree to 38 teachers in the house. The feat was marked by a special presentation that highlighted the initiative conceived by Dr. Maria Luisa with the support of the coordinator of the Master's and Doctoral Program in Medicine and Human Health, Dr. Ana Marice Ladeia.

“This special doctorate was a great challenge, but we are reaching the end of 30 months and it was a success. It was not a success of mine, this great idea was born in Dr. Maria Luisa's mind and I had the support of other professors, who bought it. It was a dream lived by many people”, said Ana Marice.

Golden butterfly
The traditional Borboleguim Gold Award, which honors professors and collaborators linked to the academic area, for their dedication to the training of students at Bahiana, this year, included two important names in the institution's staff: prof. Dr. Bernardo Galvão, coordinator of the HTLV Carrier Care Center and Angélica Mendes, manager of the Pedagogical Care Center (NAPP).

In their speeches of gratitude, the recipients reported their experience in Bahiana and honored the 40 years of dedication of Dr. Maria Luisa. "I am at Bahiana about 20 years ago. During this period, I had the opportunity to see and experience a progressive institutional growth thanks to his enthusiasm, creativity, competence and leadership, such as, for example, the systematic updating and modernization of the curricula of undergraduate courses, the introduction of medical psychology and the changes in the selection process, always aiming at the qualification of its professors and the implementation of the successful Special Doctorate”, declared Galvão, emphasizing the holding of the 14th edition of the Pedagogical Forum. “It is important to highlight the role that our dean plays in the decentralization of management, allowing for institutional and harmonious growth. And, most importantly, to see that everything was done with great sensitivity, empathy, austerity, generosity, honor and passion. ”

New initiatives
The presentations of the institution's new projects were also part of the program. The importance of actions with a social impact within an institution was the theme of the presentation by the economist and consultant at Endeavor Brasil, Marco Gorini.

The Social Impact Business Coordinator at Bahiana, André Soliani, presented the objectives of the new center which, according to him, is based on the pillars of social, economic and ecological sustainability that also permeate the entire institution. Among the economic sustainability initiatives, he cited the new Dental Clinic of Bahiana, which serves employees through budgets with special values, without compromising the high standard of quality already offered by the institution's other health services.

As an ecological sustainability initiative, André presented the program Bahiana Green, which aims to promote an environmental policy for the Bahiana. "We are looking at what the Bahiana it already does in ecology, in order to involve the community more and reduce the institution's ecological loss”, he explained.

The institutional arm Bahiana Saúde was presented by its technical director Mariana Soliani, who made it clear that the entire academic area of ​​the institution - Bahiana Education – is the driving force of health services. In addition to presenting all the services offered by the Medical and Dental Center and by the Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Psychology clinics, Mariana highlighted the 20% discount for employees and family members (parents, children and spouses) as a benefit.

Roundtable: "The internationalization of education"
Reflecting on the concepts and importance of internationalization in the academic training process was the main objective of the roundtable that brought together the dean Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, the Portuguese speaker Prof. Madalena Patrício, the coordinator of the Institutional Relations and Internationalization Nucleus of Bahiana (REAII), Maria Antonieta Araújo, and the doctor and professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana Iêda Aleluia, also a member of the Institutional Program for Teacher Development (PROIDD).

In her explanation, Madalena Patrício addressed the internationalization processes, as well as their current challenges. The experience of Bahiana and partnerships with educational institutions from different countries were mentioned by Antonieta, as well as the visit of researchers and the mediation of the participation of professors and students in programs at other universities.

Dr. Maria Luisa drew attention to the still undefined concept of internationalization: "What do we call internationalization? Because there is no consensus. Each one understands in a different way. What do we like Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, We understand? In fact, we are building this concept and I think we should always ask ourselves who is this internationalization for, what and who will it serve?" According to her, the institution's movement responds to an induction from the Ministry of Education and CAPES, from the moment that the institutional assessment also includes internationalization actions: "This is a government policy that has enormous importance in the sense of provoking precisely what we are doing here, now, which is to discuss this matter".

The XIV Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana had a special ending with the pocket show “Canções Além-Mar”, by the singer Jussara Silveira. Accompanied by musician Luciano Salvador Bahia, she sang Portuguese fados and songs, as well as compositions by Bahian artists. The cultural moment gained emphasis with the presentation of the choreography “Poseidon e as Nereidas”, performed by the ballet dancers of Teatro Castro Alves Alice Becker, Agnaldo Fonseca and Flexa II.

For Sandra Brasil, “the forum is a time for socializing, fraternization and shared joy, which strengthens bonds and encourages the search for personal and professional growth. All these elements promote a growing adhesion of professors and an interest from other higher education institutions to participate, which allows institutional and inter-institutional integration”.

CLICK HERE to see the photos from the 1st Day of the XIV Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (Friday).

CLICK HERE to see the photos from the 2st Day of the XIV Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana (Saturday).