

Special program marks the launch of the Evidence-Based Medicine Center of the Bahiana

The meeting also highlights the launch of the scientific publication Journal of Evidence-Based Health Care.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública launches, on August 9, the Evidence-Based Medicine Center. To mark the occasion, a special program will be held from 14 pm onwards, at Campus Cabula, located at Avenida Silveira Martins, n. 3386, Cabula. The event will also mark the launch of the scientific publication Journal of Evidence-Based Health Care, linked to the institution.

The meeting's target audience is teachers from Bahiana and from other higher education institutions, as well as researchers and health professionals from hospitals in Salvador.

The program will start with the roundtable "Evidence-Based Medicine in Clinical Practice", in which the professor from Bahiana and coordinator of the Center, Luis Cláudio Correia, prof. Lucas Heal, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Professor José Augusto Barreto, from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFSE).

The second roundtable brings the theme "Evidence-Based Medicine Teaching", with the participation of the international guest Magdalena Patrício, from the University of Lisbon, who will compose the debate together with prof. Felipe Reis, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

"Evidence", do we need a medical journal? will be the theme of the final lecture, to be given by professors Luis Cláudio Correia and João de Deus, who are the scientific and executive editors, respectively, of the journal Journal of Evidence-Based Health Care.

Check out full schedule.

MBE Center
In yet another pioneering action, the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública launches its Evidence-Based Medicine Center, which was created with the mission of teaching and researching evidence-based clinical practice, contributing to the dissemination of the scientific paradigm, in addition to promoting the construction of new knowledge in EBM and fostering the development of lightweight technologies that bring innovation to medical thinking. The core comes with the vision to make the Bahiana an institution nationally and internationally recognized as a promoter of science-based clinical practice.

Considering the representativeness of Bahiana in the field of evidence-based medicine and the potential of this subject to germinate a successful journal, the first Brazilian medical journal focused on this topic was created: Journal of Evidence-Based Health Care. The editorial board was chosen to academically bring together the main national names associated with Evidence-Based Medicine. This journal will be the center's main form of scientific communication.

History Bahiana xMBE
Bahiana was a pioneer in Brazil by being one of the first medical schools to create a mandatory subject dedicated to knowledge of Evidence-Based Medicine. Ten years ago, the Evidence-Based Clinical Reasoning (RCBE) discipline emerged, since then taught by prof. Luís Correia to the sixth semester students, and, in the last two years, also with the participation of prof. ª Alessandra Caldas.

Allied to this, numerous initiatives have been developed, such as the creation of the Evidence-Based Medicine Blog, which currently has 2,3 million hits, international partnerships (United States, Germany, Italy), the Choosing Wisely na initiative Bahiana, the creation of the MBE research group, linked to the graduate program of the Bahiana, among others.

Realizing this context and the existence of a critical mass of activities and people, the Bahiana launches the MBE Center in order to organize and leverage these actions, giving national and international visibility to the institution's initiatives.

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