

The "Angels of Nursing", which has the participation of four students from the nursing course at Bahiana, fulfills the campaign "Donate food, donate life"

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During a visit to the Support Center for Combating Childhood Cancer - NACCI, the Angels of Nursing delivered 211,6 kg of food collected during the DOE FOOD, DONATE LIFE CAMPAIGN. Part of the food was distributed to the families served at the house and another part for the maintenance of the house.

NACCI provides assistance and assists families of children with cancer treated at the two hospitals where volunteers from the Bahia dos Anjos da Enfermagem Center carry out weekly visits – Pediatric Oncotherapy at Hospital Aristides Maltez and Hospital Santa Izabel.


 The objective of the campaign is to collect and distribute basic food baskets among needy institutions and institutions providing treatment and support for children with cancer, promoting solidarity and social responsibility among nursing students and professionals from partner universities.




The Campaign is part of the national program established by the Instituto Anjos da Enfermagem, which includes seven national programs, this being the second campaign of 2010.








The support of the Extension Core of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, which directly contributed to the realization of the campaign, through the collection of most of the items, passing them on to Anjos da Enfermagem – Núcleo Bahia, which carried out the delivery.




We thank the teachers Maria de Lourdes, Carolina Pedrosa and Thais Calasans, the latter being the local coordinator of the Program for the Bahiana.

the angels of Bahiana are Piriri, Pom Pom, Coquinho and Cocada

* Maria de Lourdes is coordinator of the Nursing course, Carolina Pedrosa is coordinator of the Extension Center and Thais Calasans is a student of the nursing course.

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