

Funeral Note

Death of Professor Maria Thereza de Medeiros Pacheco.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP) and the Foundation Bahiana for the Development of Sciences (FBDC) communicate the death of the Professor Maria Thereza de Medeiros Pacheco, which took place on the 12th of May this year, adding her deep grief to that of dozens of hearts and minds already longing for her unforgettable teacher and teacher who with intelligence, knowledge and brilliance guided and inspired, for 51 years, several generations of doctors from our School .

The wake is being held at the Faculty of Medicine of Terreiro de Jesus and the cremation ceremony will take place today, May 13, at 15 pm, at the Jardim da Saudade Cemetery.

Prof. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani
Director of EBMSP

Prof. Jacques Salah
Chairman of the Deliberative Council of FBDC