

Scientific Café brings together research institutions

The meeting was another achievement of the Dean of Research and Innovation.


Strengthen scientific partnerships with external partners, aiming at academic, technical and scientific collaboration. This was the main objective of the Scientific Café of the Research and Innovation Center (NUPI), promoted by the Dean of Research and Innovation, on the morning of March 23, at the Campus of Brotas.

The opening table was integrated by Dr. Francisco Laranjeira, head of research at EMBRAPA; Dr. Erlon Rodrigues, researcher and professor at Bahiana; Dr. Marcos Almeida, coordinator of the Master of Health Technologies, and Dr. Carolina Pedroza de Carvalho Garcia, dean of Extension Bahiana.

According to the researcher and coordinator of NUPI, prof. Dr. Amancio José de Souza, the meeting aimed to present to partner members from other institutions the infrastructure facilities to support research at the Bahiana. The space is also aimed at partnership projects with academic, industrial and healthcare service providers.

After the presentation of the institution's research projects, the participants visited the facilities of the Multiuser Laboratory Platform of the Bahiana. Representatives from EMBRAPA, FIOCRUZ, Hospital São Rafael, UFBA, FTC, SENAI/CIMATEC and APAE were present.

Check out the photos.