



The choice between aptitude and convenience is an intrinsic part of the future projections of many university entrance students and even university students. There are those who justify the course they take because of the lack of options, family tradition or based on market perspectives. However, there is a portion of students who, even before choosing a career, end up finding a profession, even if it is to pay for their own course or even contribute to the family budget. Some of them abandon the dream or give up the task of choosing something and decide to take root on this path and continue in a profession that changes from palliative care to a career. According to Pedro Paulo Gastalho de Bicalho, professor at the Psychology Institute at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), the criteria chosen by students when choosing an undergraduate course are very personal. "Many choose a profession because they think it will make them happy, others because of the family, or even because they already work in a certain area. What people have to be aware of is that all criteria adopted have risks and if everything works out wrong, the choice was made by her," says Bicalho. 

But choosing a degree based on the convenience of an activity already undertaken may not be all bad. There are those who find themselves in the area when living with theoretical aspects of it. Silvia Gasparian Colello, professor of educational psychology at FEUSP (Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo), declares that coexistence in the university environment can even show students aspects of the profession that they did not see and that this contributes, in some cases, to reverse the initial position of repudiation of employment. "He begins to have a deeper view of the subject. From there, he sees that the course makes sense and begins to like it, in addition to getting better performance both in the course and at work," she explains. An important factor in choosing the course based on the area of ​​expertise is the professional experience acquired during the time spent dealing with practical aspects of a certain segment. Dayan Carlos Soares, a student of accounting sciences at UNIFAI (University Center Asunción), says that this was an important point for his choice, as he has worked for almost six years in an office in this sector. "Before, I thought about studying architecture, but when talking to some people I realized that the accounting area has the potential to grow and my experience could make a difference. If I chose another course, I would have to start all over again and acquire experience in another area", he justifies the guy.

Soares says he is satisfied with the knowledge he acquires in college and that the course meets expectations. "I have some subjects that are different from what I'm used to seeing here at the office, but in those dealing with accounting I'm satisfied, as there are many terms I already know in practice. In addition, the studies help my performance within the company", says Soares . He also adds that he started taking the course because he wanted to add his experience to the theoretical part and believes he has made a choice that will be good for his future. Another case similar to Soares' is that of Eliene Alves Loiola, a student in the administration course at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. Before starting work as an administrative assistant, she says that she was thinking about doing something related to the health field, such as medicine, nursing or nutrition. "It was only after six months in this job that I started studying and decided to do business, as I was already in the area and wanted to grow here", she summarizes. Today, Eliene takes care of the communication part of a private company in the basic sanitation sector. "Since I'm in this area and I like what I do, I'm thinking about taking a specialization course, either in the area of ​​communication or in environmental management, because I'm really keen to continue with the company", she says.

In addition to the advantages of joining the course you are already working on, there are also disadvantages, which can vary from student to student. As evaluated by Dulce Helena Penna Soares, professor at the Department of Psychology and Graduate Program at UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina) and Coordinator of LIOP (Laboratory of Information and Professional Guidance). "On the one hand, it has the advantage of entering college with knowledge of what is being studied, because of the practice that is used. On the other hand, the career may not have much personal meaning or be very attractive and the person is not satisfied", he warns Is it over there. The teacher adds that the disappointment with a career different from the one dreamed of, in the end, can have serious consequences. According to her, there is a risk of mediocrity, due to the dislike of what she does, which can be the first step towards future failure in her career. "The damage later on can be, in addition to being emotional, even physical, due to the fact of not being happy", ponders Dulce. She adds that, if this training is bad for the student, the best thing is to drop what you do and start all over again. "You have to be brave. You have to assess the level of suffering and stop fantasizing about what might or might not work," she advises.

Many times, there are those who think it is risky to drop out of college to start all over again in another course. Or because some of them have the encouragement of their family and don't want to let them down. Silvia explains that carrying this feeling of something unresolved tends to generate increasingly bitter frustration. "Failure to resolve this has effects on the job itself," says a professor of educational psychology at FEUSP. Dulce suggests that everyone use the so-called "Balance Technique", where she weighs the pros and cons and the gains and losses that the choice made can bring to your life. "You have to talk a lot, especially with your close ones, so that they also assess how your performance is going," she sums up. The teacher also recommends doing what you really like, if possible, in your free time. According to her, from that point on, each person will be able to make an alternative passage to the profession of their choice.

Luciano Testa