

Egress of Psychology will present work at the VIII Latin American Congress of Jungian Psychology

Research on parental alienation was a course completion work by former student Mônica Aguiar.


"Parental alienation: a look at Jungian Symbolic Psychology" is the title of the graduation monograph of the recent graduate in Psychology by Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Mônica Aguiar, who was selected to be presented at the VIII Latin American Congress of Jungian Psychology, which will take place in July, in the city of Bogotá, Colombia.

"Studying the phenomenon of parental alienation requires a broader look to understand how the construction of the syndrome took place and the criticisms made of its creator, Richard Gardner. Realizing, in this expansion, the polarization of ideas, whether in sustaining the impossibility of the existence of acts The intention of one of the parents to develop in the child an aversion to the other, that is, on the other hand, contesting the indispensability of this programming, allows us to know the integral dynamics of personality formation from the primary parental complexes", explains the author.

According to Mônica Aguiar, this understanding is sought in Jungian Symbolic Psychology, specifically in the Primary Quaternion Theory, by Carlos Byington: "for whom it is crucial, we realize that the child's reactions also contribute to form his identity along with the characteristics of the complexes parents".