




fractal geometry is the branch of mathematics which studies the properties and behavior of fractals, and a way to help men see the same old world in a different way, students and teachers is the subject of Scientific Coffee, meeting that takes place tomorrow (29), at 1 pm. Provide an approach to the topic and the general public, putting them in contact with scientists, researched9h, in the Academic Unit Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, located at Av. D. João VI, 275, Brotas. On the occasion, the lecture “Fractais” will be given by the professor of Physics at UFBA, Jose Garcia Vivas de Miranda, followed by a chat with the participants.

Scientific Coffee

A chat space to bring together scientists, students, researchers, teachers and the general public. This is the Scientific Coffee, an initiative of the Psychology nucleus of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública which takes place twice a month, on Thursdays, at the Academic Unit Brotas, from Bahiana. The idea is to provoke discussions about recent developments in science and their impacts on society. The meetings are free and open to anyone who wishes to participate.


The topic discussed this week will relate fractals to reality, describing the many situations that cannot be easily explained by classical geometry and have been applied in science, tech e generated by computer.

Jose Garcia Vivas de Miranda is Post Doctor in Physics and Doctor in Environmental Sciences. He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Bahia. He has published 29 articles in specialized periodicals and 89 works in event proceedings. It has six chapters from published books. Participated in the development of six technological products. He works in the field of Physics, with an emphasis on Classic Areas of Phenomenology and its Applications. In his professional activities, he interacted with 32 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific papers.