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Photo Gallery

III Colloquium on the Health of the Black Population


In commemoration of the National Pro-Health Mobilization Day for the Black Population, celebrated on October 27, the Center for the Study of Race and Gender in Health, from Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, held, on November 10, at the Cabula Academic Unit, the III Colloquium on the Health of the Black Population, in partnership with the Holon Society, the Vida Plena Community Complex (CCVP) and the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB).

The colloquium had the principle of providing a space for dialogue and socialization of care practices aimed at the black population, integrating public policies, legislation focused on the health context and clinical management. The event had as its target audience high school, undergraduate, graduate students, professors and other health workers due to their role in the process of implementing the change in the health care model, which prioritizes comprehensiveness and equity in the care of this population.



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