The A TARDE Debate Cycle begins today, an event promoted by the A TARDE Group in partnership with higher education institutions in Salvador. Over the next few weeks, current issues will be debated among academic researchers, members of civil society and journalists. This Friday, the first roundtable is Bullying: how to diagnose and avoid this attitude in colleges. The event takes place at the Hotel Fiesta, at 19 pm, in the Orquídea 2 Room.
Bullying is defined as any intentional act of physical or psychological violence that happens repeatedly and with the objective of discrediting someone's image. In general, they are aggressive attitudes committed by one or more students who unite to target a classmate, including nicknames and teasing.
This first debate has the support of the Faculty Maurício de Nassau and will have the participation of specialists on the subject, such as the psychologist at the Public Ministry of Bahia Juliana Prates Santana, the psychopedagogist Symone Vallari and the doctor in Psychopedagogy and Educational Science Alda Muniz Pepê, who also is a researcher and education advisor for the state.
Other confirmed presences are the academic superintendent Inácio Feitosa and the prosecutor Evandro Luís Santos de Jesus. Admission is free and registration can be made by calling: 3505-4500.