




Check out the entire schedule of mini-courses, workshops, course stands with health promotion and prevention actions, oral presentations and posters of academic and scientific works, cultural activities, social responsibility actions, among others. 



 25/09/2009 - Friday

08:30 am to 09:30 am - OPENING - First Aid: "Salvando Vidas" 
                           - Prof. André Zimmerman - Convention Center Bahiana - Auditorium 01 - Pav. III - 2nd floor

09:30 am to 12:30 pm - Poster Session - Convention Center Bahiana 
                            - Auditorium 2 and 3 - Pav. III - 2nd floor

12:00 am to 13:00 pm - Hip Hop Culture - Kids from Baixa Fria - Community Center

14:00 pm to 15:00 pm - Book Release - Azulírico - Poetry - Ivan Maia - Pav. III - Ground floor

14:00 to 18:30 - Oral Communication - Pav. III

14:00 to 18:00 - Mini-courses and Workshops - Pav. II and III

09:30 am to 17:00 pm - Culture, Art and Food - Green area

08:00 am to 17:00 pm - Social Responsibility Actions - Pav. II and III

08:30 am to 18:30 pm - Interdisciplinary Monitoring

09:30 am to 17:00 pm - Visits to Stands - Pav. III - Ground floor


ADAB - Teaching-Assistance Outpatient Clinic of Bahiana - Multiprofessional Health Unit
Prof. Eliana de Paula Santos (Medicine)

Adapted Games and Toys for Visually Impaired People
Prof. Sheila Correia de Araújo (Occupational Therapy)

Center for Urinary Disorders in Childhood - CEDIMI / ADAB
Prof. Alcina de Oliveira Teles (Physiotherapy / Medicine / Nursing / Psychology)

Body and Hearts Research Program of Bahiana
Prof. Cristiane Maria Carvalho Costa Dias (Physiotherapy)

Vida Plena Community Complex - Pau da Lima
Prof. Nádia Maurícia de Moraes Matos (Psychology)

Blood Donor Capture
Prof. Maria Teresita F. Bendicho (Biomedicine)

Exhibition of Practices of the Nursing Course
Prof. Maria Thais de Andrade Calasans (Nursing)

Health Promotion - Health Department of the State of Bahia - SESAB
Prof. Alcina Andrade (Medicine)

Psychology and Human Rights
Prof. Marilda Castelar (Psychology)

Dentistry Demonstration Table
Prof. Roberta Catapano Naves (Dentistry)

SESAB - Organ and Tissue Donation / Transplant
Prof. Maria Constança Veloso (Psychology) and Dr. Eraldo Moura / SESAB

How's the pressure on your foot?
Teachers Ana Lúcia Góes and Patrícia Carvalho (Physiotherapy)

Virtual Learning Environment - CEDETE - Educational Technology Development Center
Prof. Antônio Carlos Costa (Medicine)

Academic Leagues

Social Institutions - ACREBA, MORHAN and APAE

NUCOM - Communication and Marketing Center
Communication and Marketing Manager - Regina Carvalho

Formative Selection Process


CHILDREN - Children of Employees of BAHIANA

08:00 to 10:00 - Children's Stories Workshop - Prof. Carla Sampaio (Psychology) 
                            - Room 101 - Floor III

10:00 am to 11:30 am - Education for Oral Health - Brushing - Prof. Antônio Pitta (Dentistry)
                            - ADAB

13:30 pm to 16:30 pm - Hand Washing - Teachers Hygia Guerreiro and Suzana Ferrer (Biomedicine) 
                            - Pav. II and ADAB


Morning - Governor Roberto Santos State College

08:30 am to 09:30 am - Opening

10:00 to 12:00 - Professional Guidance - Prof. Eliana Edington (Psychology) 
                            - Room 103 - Pav. II
                         - Water: Existence and Extinction - Prof. Sidney Carlos Santana (Biomedicine) 
                          - Lab. Clinics I - Pav. II

Afternoon - Young Apprentices of BAHIANA

13:30 to 15:30 - Workshop for Initial Assistance to the Polytraumatized (First Aid) 
                            - NAPP - Pav. II - Prof. André Zimmerman (Medicine)

15:30 pm to 17:00 pm - Water: Existence and Extinction - Prof. Sidney Carlos Santana (Biomedicine) 
                            - Lab. Clinics I - Pav. II

ADULTS - Employees of BAHIANA

08:00 am to 10:00 am - Food Reuse Workshop 
- Prof. Mª Cristina Santana (Medicine) - Subsoil 01 - Pav. III

10:00 am to 11:30 am - Education for Oral Health - Brushing 
- Prof. Antônio Pitta (Dentistry) - ADAB

13:30 pm to 16:30 pm - Hand Washing 
- Teachers Hygia Guerreiro and Suzana Ferrer (Biomedicine) - Pav. II and ADAB


26/09/2009 - Saturday

08:00 to 12:00 - Mini-courses and Workshops - Pav. II and III

08:00 to 12:00 - Oral Communications - PIBIC - Pav. III

09:00 to 12:00 - Social Responsibility Actions - Academic Leagues - Pav. III

08:00 am to 12:00 pm - Interdisciplinary Monitoring


ELDERLY - Narandiba Urban Social Center

09:00 to 12:00 - Academic Leagues, Social Institutions and IBOPC (Brazilian Institute of Ophthalmology and Prevention of Blindness) - Pav. III



25/09/2009 - Friday

- Interpretation of Laboratory Tests - 1st part - Room 103 - 1st floor

- Natural Products: from Initial Screening to Finished Product - Room 106 - 1st floor

- Animal Cinema - Room 102 - 1st floor

- Medication Calculation: Theory and Practice - Room 107 - 1st floor

- Notions on Vivarium and Management with Laboratory Animals - 1st part - Lab. II - 1st floor


26/09/2009 - Saturday

 - Interpretation of Laboratory Tests - 2st part - Room 103 - 1st floor

- Knowing the Organ Donation and Transplant Process - Room 107 - 1st floor

- home care - Library - Underground

- Notions on Vivarium and Management with Laboratory Animals - 2st part - Lab. I - 1st floor

- Building a Database for Clinical and Experimental Research Using EPI INFO for Windows - Lab. II - 1st floor 



25/09/2009 - Friday

- Yoga and Meditation: A Path to Healthy Living
Underground 05

- Humanized Childbirth: Brazilian vs. European Reality, in a Holistic Vision
Underground 06

26/09/2009 - Saturday

- Fairy Tales as a Therapeutic Resource in Clinics and Hospitals under Jung's Perspective -   Room 106 - 1st floor

- Yoga and Meditation: A Path to Healthy Living
Underground 05

- Emotions in Traditional Chinese Medicine View
Underground 06