




A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública communicates the death of Professor Dr. Gilberto Pereira Lago and his wife Tânia Cristina de Melo Figueiredo, in a car accident, last Saturday, April 18th.

Professor Doctor Gilberto Pereira Lago graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1971), with a specialization in Psychiatry from the Institute of Psychiatry at UFRJ and from the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry. She also had a specialization in Psychoanalysis from the Iracy Doyle Psychoanalytic Society in Rio de Janeiro (1976), a specialization with an extension course in Clinical Neurology from the UFBA, a Masters in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1996) and a Ph.D. in Communication and Contemporary Cultures from the Federal University of Bahia (2003). Since 1999, he has been a professor and coordinator of the Mental Health Teaching Outpatient Clinic at the Foundation of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Bahia, FNN, Brazil. 

joined the Bahiana, in 2001, as a psychiatrist at the Psycho-pedagogical Care Center –NAPP and as a professor of the Psychology course in the disciplines Psychopharmacology, Changes in Psychological Functions and Structures II and Basic Stage III.

Experienced in the field of Medicine, with an emphasis on Psychiatry, he worked mainly on the following topics: mental health and illness, psychoanalysis and psychotherapies, contemporary subjectivity and culture, communication, subjectivity and contemporary psychopathologies.

Tânia Cristina de Melo Figueiredo was graduated in Literature, with specialization in Portuguese, English and respective literatures, from the Catholic University of Salvador (1992) and Master in Literature Science from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2000). I worked mainly in the area of ​​Culture and Identity, using the audiovisual as a tool for multicultural training and support for the documentation and research of Cultural Heritage and Historical-Cultural Heritage (material and immaterial).

