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Delivery of PIBIC Júnior and Fudadesp scholarships


Eight high school students from the state public schools start to wear the coat with the School's coat of arms Bahiana of Medicine and Public Health. These are the scholarship holders of the PIBIC Júnior scientific initiation program selected by the Youth Center for Science and Culture (CJCC). The ceremony for the delivery of coats took place on the afternoon of last Monday, September 25, at the General Coordinator of the Bahiana and was attended by the dean of the institution, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, the dean of Research and Innovation, Prof. Atson Fernandes, the dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Education, Maria de Lourdes de Freitas Gomes, the director of the CJCC, Iuri Rubim, as well as researchers from the Bahiana which, at the time, were also awarded research grants from the National Foundation for the Development of Private Higher Education (FUNADESP).

Also present were parents of high school students, coordinators of undergraduate courses at the Bahiana, collaborators of the deans and professors. "It is a great joy to be here at this moment, bringing together novice researchers and others already established in favor of the development of science. The academy needs to collaborate with Brazil in the development of research", declared Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, noting that the partnership with the CJCC also is a way to bring the Bahiana of society.

The director of the CJCC, Iuri Rubim, also highlighted the reception of the Bahiana for the PIBIC Júnior project and congratulated high school students. "They're here because of their effort, as they went through a selection. It's wonderful to make this partnership, it's one more way to reduce the social inequality we see today and I hope it's the beginning of a long journey."

Natiana Rodrigues da Silva, a student in the 1st year of high school at Colégio Central, says that the selection process involved writing an essay on well-being. "I've always enjoyed studying, reading, I love writing", she declares.

In the scientific initiation program, each of the eight students will be accompanied by a research professor from the Bahiana in the development of a research project. Natiana will be guided by professor and researcher Constança Margarida Sampaio Cruz in the study "Mortality associated with sepsis in critically ill elderly people according to the presence of associated acute kidney injury".

The other students selected were Ariel Amorim Peixoto Batista, David Soares Messias, Greice Kelly de Lima Ferreira, Italo Gabriel da Cunha Santos, Marlucia da Conceição Oliveira, Vitória Regina Mendes Freire and Rafael Sacramento Serra das Neves.

Rafael tells that his dream is to study Medicine. "I made the selection for the IFBA last year, but I was not approved. So, this project came like a glove, because it will help a lot in my training". He will be guided by Prof. Dr. Luiz Cláudio Lemos Correia in the study "Anabolic androgen steroids: a study of metabolic repercussions in bodybuilders".

All studies are part of the Master's program in Medicine and Human Health. Professors Maria Fernanda Rios Grassi, Silvia Regina Almeida Reis, Marcos Antônio Almeida Matos – also coordinator of this postgraduate program –, Antônio Márcio Teixeira Marchione and Ana Marice Teixeira Ladeia are also advisors.


The Youth Science and Culture Center (CJCC) of the Bahia Department of Education is a project that works with complementary education and offers interdisciplinary activities in which students have access to scientific knowledge, courses and workshops.


The occasion also marked the delivery of the researcher grant to the professors of Bahiana Alena Ribeiro Alves Peixoto Medrado, Ana Marice Teixeira Ladeia, Bernardo Galvão Castro Filho, Constança Margarida Sampaio Cruz, Elen Beatriz Carneiro Pinto, Kátia Nunes Sá, Luiz Cláudio Lemos Correia, Marcos Antônio Almeida Matos, Maria Fernanda Rios Grassi, Milena Bastos Brito, Patrícia Virgínia Silva Lordelo Gaborggini and Silvia Regina de Almeida Reis.



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