

The different faces of Psychology are discussed in a meeting

Psychology, Diversity and Health was the theme that celebrated Psychologist's Day at Bahiana.


The various faces and areas of activity of Psychology were discussed at the meeting Psychology, Diversity and Health which took place on the morning of August 25, at the Academic Unit Brotas in commemoration of the Day of the Psychologist, celebrated on August 27th.

The event was attended by students and professors from the Psychology course at Bahiana and also marked the launch of the Alumni Meeting of Bahiana that will take place annually at the institution. Due to the novelty, the roundtable of the meeting included the participation of graduates of the Psychology course Iliad Alves, Renata Correia, Gabriela Bueno and Helena Vasconcelos, who presented their experiences as professionals in the field.

"The choice of the theme to celebrate Psychologist's Day this year – "Psychology, Diversity and Health" – is related to the conception of the course and the proposal of our (scientific) journal that has the same name. So, our idea, from a conversation with teachers and students, in 2018, we will have the II Psychology, Diversity and Health Meeting, thus starting a historical series, in order to strengthen the innovative curriculum that we have, taking as a reference the tripod: teaching, research and extension", justifies the coordinator of the Psychology course, Prof. Sylvia Barreto.

Regarding the choice of speakers for the meeting, the coordinator explains that each one works in a different field of Psychology, and the idea of ​​the roundtable was, precisely, to show the diversity of activities in Psychology.

On that occasion, the new edition of the Scientific Journal Psicologia, Diversidade e Saúde was also officially launched. Professor Mônica Daltro, co-editor of the magazine alongside Professor Marilda Castelar, explains that "The revista Psicologia, Diversidade e Saúde is an open access and free publication for anyone who wants to see it. We receive articles from all over Brazil and, in this latest edition, articles by fellow psychologists from Mexico, Colombia and the United States are published, and we are promoting several areas of Psychology. The idea is to contemplate all its diversity and plurality. We circulate a lot of knowledge. We understand psychology as a health profession, insofar as the concept of health is open to humanization and politics. So psychology will circulate in this psychic, social, cultural and political universe".


XNUMXst Psychology Former Students Meeting

Some of the various possibilities for the work of Psychology, in a professional scope, were shared with students and professors who participated in the meeting promoted by the Psychology course. To talk about her experience ahead of the coordination of the Psychosocial Care Center, Franco Baságlia, in Itapuã, former student Ilíada Alves told about her trajectory since before joining the Bahiana even their day-to-day experiences at the unit. "It's very exciting to receive this invitation. I'm very proud and, as I said in my speech, I didn't just want to study Psychology, I wanted to study Psychology at Bahiana, precisely because of the enchantment of some people I already knew and who studied Psychology here".

She reported that the diversity offered by the course curriculum of Bahiana directly contributed to the construction of his professional career. "THE Bahiana presents a very diversified course, which allows the student to have contact with the different areas of expertise. So, I went into the area of ​​Human Resources, I already expressed my interest in legal psychology, taking an elective course, and then my knowledge led me to hospital psychology and to the field of mental health, which was when I came across the experiences in the Program. Family Health, internship experiences promoted by Bahiana, so my experience as a student was very enriching." 
Gabriela Bueno, currently an organizational psychologist at TECON, currently an organizational psychologist, reported her experience in the Human Resources segment and now, more precisely, in the People Development area. "Organizational psychology has caught my attention since I participated in one of these events here at Bahiana", account.

Renata Correia, a hospital psychologist at the Hospital Roberto Santos, emphasizes that it is important to always invest in updating knowledge in order to broaden the vision of the various possibilities for action in Psychology. "I defend the importance of always studying and updating, from a technical, theoretical, personal point of view, because this adds to our practice, our clinical assessment brings quality to the care we are providing to our patients. hospital, there is a vast field for psychological interventions - family, patient, team work, the process aimed at worker health - so it is a field that has a lot of demand for study, research, work development and a lot of clinical demand for care".

The research area was what aroused the interest of Helena Vasconcelos since the middle of her undergraduate course, when she joined research groups. From then on, her interest in the area only increased and today she is a student of the Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Human Health at Bahiana. In her speech, Helena also commented on the theme of her dissertation, which is precisely a study on the profile of the psychology student. Check out the article "SELF-ESTEEM, SELF-IMAGE AND CONSTITUTION OF IDENTITY: A STUDY WITH GRADUATES OF PSYCHOLOGY", which integrates the current edition of the revista Psicologia, Diversidade e Saúde.

Check out the photos.