

REAII welcomes Cuban students visiting the Medicine course

Visitors were able to learn about the teaching model and teaching-care practices with users of the Unified Health System (SUS).


The team from the Institutional Relations and Internationalization Nucleus of Bahiana (REAII) received, on August 28, a group of students from Havana University of Medical Sciences.

The purpose of the visit was to learn about the teaching model of the Medicine course and the teaching-care practices with users of the Unified Health System (SUS).

The program also featured a conversation circle between visitors and students victor lopes oliveira, Gustavo Lima O'Dwyer e Ana Aurea Vilas Boas Hilarião of the 11th semester of the Medicine course, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Eliana de Paula.

“The meeting was very rich, enabling an exchange of information about medical education, the stages of training, the rotation of internships, the processes of definition of residences and governmental actions in both countries – Brazil and Cuba”, explained the manager of REAII, Prof. Maria Antonieta Nascimento.

Then, Prof. Eliana de Paula made a guided visit to all the facilities of the Medical Center Bahiana Health, allowing visitors to interact with some groups of students who held case discussions with their respective tutors about patients treated at the unit.

The approximation of Cuban students with the BAHIANA occurred through the Local Coordination of Internships and Experiences (CLEV) da UFBA, which requested this activity as part of the Cuban group's schedule in Brazil.

A CLEV - BAHIANA with the support of the REAII will be promoting a meeting, on September 21, with the objective of guiding participants regarding the 09/2018 edict of the Federation of Medical Students' Association of Latin America (, which will be launched in soon. The facilitator will be the coordinator of the CLEV BAHIANA, Paulo Henrique Campos Rodrigues da Silva (6th semester).

The notice foresees the offer of vacancies for short-term internships in several countries through exchanges.