

Bahiana promotes the XIV Health and Citizenship Mutirão

Action was carried out with the community of the Pau da Lima Sanitary District.


In partnership with the health unit Complexo Comunitário Vida Plena (CCVP), the Bahiana last June 3, it promoted the XIV Health and Citizenship Mutirão in the Pau da Lima Sanitary District.

Coordinated by the professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana, Kathia Rabelo, the event aimed to develop socio-educational and health information actions in defense, expansion and access to citizenship rights. In this way, a space for collective construction was established, open to the population.

On the occasion, teachers from the Bahiana who work at the CCVP, students from the Medicine and Nursing courses, professionals from the unit and from partner institutions.
The initiative is a traditional mobilization held every two months and aims to develop health promotion and disease prevention activities with an emphasis on early detection of diseases for the various population groups in the Pau da Lima neighborhood.

The activities have been carried out since 2014. In all, 14 joint efforts have already taken place.