

Mini Journey discusses obesity

Event brought together health professionals at the Academic Unit Brotas.


"Why is it that despite all the prescriptive arsenal that involves slimming therapies, obese people insist on refusing or transgressing them?" This is the question that Sérgio Campos, author of the book "Obesity in Young People: the psychoanalytical logic of weight gain", brought to the mini-journey "Obesity in Young People", held on May 13, at the Cabula Academic Unit.

Having as its target audience graduates and students of the Medicine, Psychology and related fields, the activity was coordinated by the professors of the Medicine course at Bahiana Celia Maria Correia Salles and Gilberto Abreu and by the physician and psychoanalyst Lucy de Castro and Carla Fernandes, psychologist and psychoanalyst.
The program included a conference on obesity in young people, attended by guest Sérgio Campos, in addition to the presentation of a case study followed by a debate with the participants.