Big names in science, technology and innovation in Brazil gathered on May 5th and 6th, at the Cabula Academic Unit, during the I National Meeting of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Health (ENEIS). The event was the result of a partnership between the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, SENAI/CIMATEC and UNEB.
"This meeting is very innovative and is important not only for the Bahiana, like Bahia and Brazil because it meets this need to bring together the academy that produces knowledge, the government and businessmen who have financial resources and the need to create products”. Summarized the dean of Bahiana, Dr. Prof. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, noting that ENEIS is focused on the health area so that the participants together develop new solutions in products and technologies that aim to improve the quality of patient care.
According to the president of ENEIS and dean of Research and Innovation at Bahiana, Prof. Atson Fernandes, the initial idea of the meeting came after the publication of the law on the regulatory framework for Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI) of 2016, "a very recent law that establishes the guidelines for development in this area and, based on this idea, we added educational institutions so that we could develop something together. In fact, this is one of the basic prerequisites of the law itself, that is, the construction, based on relationships, not only between educational institutions, but also with companies."
Atson also states that “the main purpose of this meeting was to enable people from this ecosystem to talk and, for that reason, we held the TECH-SAÚDE Technology Fair, where various entities with innovative experiences were present, providing an opportunity for integration between actors in the Ecosystem of Innovation in Health”.
The coordinator of the undergraduate course in Medicine at Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Ana Verônica Mascarenhas, raised the challenge of reconciling technology with public health policies in Brazil. "For the Medicine course, specifically, today technology is a highly valued area, I think it is even overvalued. I think we cannot have technology without humanization." According to Mascarenhas, solutions must be designed to meet large demands such as Unified Health System and, on the other hand, the specificities. "Another thing that is a challenge for young people is precisely to think of alternatives to get out of bureaucratic issues, in order to provide better care. It is a challenge to think about how these technologies can meeting this demand for simple things. It was a learning experience for me to think about technological things, but simple."
The program had as its opening activity the magna conference “Pout-Porri: Digital Sciences & Health: opportunities and trends”, given by Jorge HS Leal, from the CAM Group, who, on the occasion, presented the case “My Doctor”, a solution in mobile technology to facilitate communication between doctor and patient, with a platform similar to Whatsapp.
During the two days, participants were able to attend a series of lectures and roundtables with guest speakers who discussed current topics, such as "Technologies applied to health", "Social entrepreneurship & health" and "Innovation in health education".
According to Tatiana Ferraz, manager of SENAI CIMATEC College, it is essential to work with a network of partners. “All this movement comes at a favorable moment when we need to develop technology to support the demands of health in our country. ENEIS is an event that is already born as a national event and it is in this context that we must look at health and look at the importance of this moment we are living here. I hope this is the first of other ENEIS and that we can add more and more people, companies, institutions, more innovation and technology to increase the availability of healthcare for the Brazilian people".
Tatiana participated in the opening table alongside Atson Fernandes, Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, the Undersecretary of Health of the State of Bahia, Dr. Roberto José da Silva Badaró, the coordinator of the Graduate Program Management and Technologies Applied to Education (GESTEC /UNEB), Tânia Maria Hetkowski, the rector of the Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA), Renato da Anunciação Filho and the coordinator of the UNEB Innovation Agency, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Manuel de Freitas Jorge.
During ENEIS there was also the launching ceremony of the Inova+Saúde contest, which aims to foster the development of new ideas in the science, technology and innovation segment in the health area.
The XNUMXst National Meeting of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Health had the support of the Ministry of Education, FUNADESP, CAPES, the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation and FAPESP.
Check out the photos.