

The Director of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Profa Maria Luísa Soliani, welcomes the freshmen.

Welcome Freshmen


Every year, for the past 55 years, new students arrive at the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. Every year, with them, new emotions and dreams also arrive. And that is why, every year, the School is renewed and prepared to welcome them and to help transform their projects into achievements. 

Our tradition of well training professionals for the Health area was consolidated in more than half a century of experience and we are proud to say that throughout Brazil, both in small and large centers, our alumni are successful professionals, recognized for quality. 

This is due to a well-dosed mix of what, over time, we have learned to do competently and what we seek to continuously innovate to respond to new demands. It is also due to the view that a good professional is not just a connoisseur of techniques and technologies or a repository of scientific knowledge. Above all, he is a person able to identify with the pain and needs of people who seek him out and a citizen concerned about the community where he is inserted, with the understanding that culture and art are part of life, they help develop sensitivity - so necessary when it comes to people - and are precious sources to better know yourself and the men who will be under your care. 

One of the projects developed at our School, for this purpose, is the tune in with which, among other things, gives freshmen the questionnaire “Which whistle do you blow?”, in order to identify artistic talents. As of 2005, the survey also began to be carried out with professors and employees. 

At the end of 2006, the poets of Bahiana were called to present their productions and this collection is the result of the work that could be appreciated in the 1st EBMSP Poetry Recital, activity integrated into the schedule New from Bahiana - XII Freshmen Reception, in February 2007. 

She brings us 10 poets, some more experienced, others new and even brand new. The result is not homogeneous, nor could it be, as there was no concern in making a selection, but harvesting with love and joy all these artistic fruits born in Bahiana, hoping that, from now on, the new crops will be increasingly consistent and vigorous. 

Our recognition and sincere thanks to all authors. May this first volume serve as a stimulus and inspiration for the sleeping poets within all of us. 

Prof. Maria Luisa Soliani