

Yellow Book is pre-released on the internet

Publication is supported by Bahiana and can be purchased with free shipping throughout Brazil.


Students and health professionals can now purchase the book "Yellow Book – Internal Medicine Flows and Conducts", published by Sanar publishing house with the support of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and in pre-sale from the site, with free front for all of Brazil.

The work has as authors Clístenes Queiroz Oliveira, Marconi Moreno Cedro Souza and Carlos Geraldo Guerreiro Moura, the latter professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana, and seeks to fill gaps present in books for the practice of medicine. It was built following techniques that facilitate quick access to information, both for bedside decisions in emergencies, as well as for care in general outpatient clinics and infirmaries.

The publication highlights the hierarchy of information by a criterion of colors, bulletin by chapter and division by chapter in major areas of internal medicine: emergency, nephrology, cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, infectology, dermatology, oncology, neurology, psychiatry , rheumatology and geriatrics.