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IV Poetry Circuit


On the beat of RAP (Rythm and Poetry – Rhythm and Poetry) and on the pop rock groove, poetry was celebrated this year in IV Poetry Circuit of Bahiana. On March 21, students, professors and employees of the institution were able to learn about the work of some figures from the contemporary scene of the Hip Hop movement in Salvador.    

On the other hand, on March 28, the music that animated the circuit at the Academic Unit Brotas came from the students of the 5th semester of the Medicine course with the band Arritmia that brought songs within the context of pop and national rock. On both days, students and collaborators were able to show their compositions, texts, poems and other forms of artistic expression, such as the dance that served as an instrument for the student of the Physiotherapy course Verônica Fonseca to present a poem recited by the medical student Gabriel Grise, in the Academic Unit Brotas.

Fostering spaces for dialogue, interaction and expression of feelings is one of the missions of the Núcleo de Attention Psicopedagógica (NAPP), according to its manager, Angélica Mendes. She says that after the success of Agosto das Artes, an initiative where the exhibition and presentation of various forms of artistic creations by employees and students is promoted, the nucleus decided to promote, in March, the Circuito da Poesia. “NAPP's mission is to foster culture and art in the institution. We believe that this movement promotes more integration between people, creates a living and organic environment, activates talent and is a space for expression”.

Angelica says that the idea of ​​the circuit is, precisely, to circulate poetry in different environments, leading those who live there to enjoy this art in a variety of ways. “And, with that, we are nurturing the formation of our students and the development of our employees, in short, of everyone who may be in contact and participating in this moment”.

many forms of poetry

The rhymes of the collaborator of the Information Technology Center (NTI), Gabriel Silva, better known in the Bahian Hip Hop scene as Salvi and his companions Cristian Dactes, Sandro Sussuarana, 16 Beats (Anderson Santana) and Tom VX (Thomás Daltro, also collaborator of the administrative nucleus of the Cabula Academic Unit) raised new possibilities of perceiving poetry that, through the RAP, also gains a more critical and protest stamp. Together, they participated in the edition at the Cabula Academic Unit, on the 21st.

"Poetry is alive at different times. I was already interested in rhyming battles, I already listened to RAP a lot and, seeing all this, I realized that I can also express a lot of what I feel through music. I realized that, in addition to writing, through my sound, I can also help different people, help the Hip Hop scene to grow, to get people to know the local Hip Hop movement and culture", declares Gabriel, very pleased to show some of his work in his environment. professional. “I've never seen a company give a space like that to an employee. I was very happy to be able to bring my message to people."

Present a little of your work to the students and collaborators of the Bahiana was considered by Sandro Sussuarana as exceptional. “It's very unusual to be here today, but it only proves how poetry has this power to take us to spaces like this, an institution that is not specifically geared towards art. Poetry opens doors, creates wings. And it's important to be in these spaces to get our message across. People often think that poetry is a distant thing, but, in fact, it is so close to us that you just have to pay attention."

The contact with the art of the periphery sensitized the student of the 4th semester of Nursing, Fernanda Carvalho. "I thought the group of boys who performed here was sensational, we were impressed with their intelligence and their ability to create these RAPs and the analogies they make. This space that allows us to get to know these groups and a little about their world is also very important. which, at times, is very distant from us".

Rapper Cristian Dactes comes from a family of teachers where reading and writing has always been encouraged. "Since I was little, I've been interested in poetry, music, RAP. Today, in Salvador, the scene is increasing. A few years ago, RAP was seen as something of a criminal, a bandit. Nowadays, it has greater freedom. It doesn't have the same space as other languages ​​like axé, but it has gained more space. The intention is to increasingly convey the message that RAP is much more than what is shown on television. RAP is culture, saves many kids".

Participate in the IV Poetry Circuit of Bahiana was very important for Dactes, because, according to him, few people know the history and what Hip Hop is. "This space was very good for us to present another idea, another rhythm, another form of writing".

For Anderson 16 Beats, the proposal to perform at the Bahiana it was enriching for all present. "Many times, people arrive here, go to their classes, whether in dentistry or medicine, then go to their homes and they don't have that dialogue, they don't have the vision of a real world, as it is. And, with RAP , we brought this message, explained a little, spoke of feelings and I believe that no one will leave here the same way they entered".

The People Development Coordinator at Bahiana, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, reinforces the artist's words regarding the exchange of experiences and knowledge. "what the Bahiana what is really intended is to open the doors to what is in the world now, yesterday and in the future and the participation of our collaborators and this hip hop crowd in Bahia, only enriches the daily lives of our students. We also saw their attention and we can see that it reflects the identity of many here."


On March 28, the Academic Unit Brotas also received an exhibition of poets. Among them Luiza Rodrigues, student of the 3rd semester of Psychology. Since the age of eight, the poet has already expressed her feelings. “It was something very natural, I started to write some doodles and when I saw it, it had already taken my chest and I'm here to this day. It's very important, because I express everything through poetry, whether I'm good or bad”.

According to Ricardo Mattos, 5th semester of Psychology, initiatives such as the Poetry Circuit are essential to promote the mental health and well-being of students and employees. "I think it's fundamental, because part of the process, including mental health, is to expose yourself, express what you feel, have a moment of fraternization, interaction and Bahiana this works very well”, declares Ricardo, recalling that his contact with literature took place since he was a child, with his grandfather reading stories and that today he already has books, many texts written, but not yet published.

For the 3rd semester student of Psychology Millen Carvalho, "it is a feeling of boldness and freedom at the same time, because we live in a chaotic, complex world, full of new demands and we can stop to expose something that is so intimate to us. in a world where there is so much discussion about the external and not the internal, having this space is very valuable, I'm loving it”.

Check out some verses

I write in lack or in excess. I write to stay as close to tears as possible and understand them. I write when the wide smile doesn't come out all for lack of a bigger mouth. That's why I write, to get out of my silences and give myself to a surge of mixing with words. In my madness and temper, in my healing and wound of the moment. I write, I write... I write!

(A poetic outbreak with words in poetry – Millen Carvalho)

When the art of questioning pulses

And the subjective becomes objective

And the structure no longer melts with the heat of the unpredictable

The short time becomes an eternity

And the simple becomes just simple

Lose the humanity of being unique

The recommended remedies no longer work

The technique is lost in the sea of ​​scientism

And the soul no longer in force becomes the product's battery

The individual metamorphoses only into a patient

And the pain becomes a problem

The past doesn't matter anymore

When what really counts is what bothers you now

Ricardo Mattos

fuck the universe

flight because the flight is free

And as free as the flight is only my body

I land because I like to stay, curl up, take root

And the blossom in your eyes, grief, in your scars

I'm collecting petal by petal until I remake myself as a flower

And I live in agonizing wait for the light and heavenly peace

The moment invades me and makes a home in my womb

And without meaning to, I feel in tune with the universe

I bow to my traveling heart

Who made a home in each one who touched me, loved me

overflowed me somehow

And without dirt, you feasted on my emotion of being alive

Of being a river, of being a sea, of being a life!

To be a date and never say goodbye

Luiza Rodrigues



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