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2008 - 12/11 - Breakfast for the presentation of the Innovative Training Selection Process and the 1st Edition of the Revista da Bahiana.


School leaders, high school teachers and journalists participated, on the 12th of November, of a breakfast at the Coordination of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. At the time, the director of Bahiana, Prof. Maria Luísa Carvalho Soliani, presented to the guests, the Institutional Political Pedagogical Project of the School and the innovator Admission process that the Institution has already adopted this year for courses in Biomedicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Psychology and Occupational Therapy.

Named Formative Selection Process, the new model is being applied in a pioneering way by the Bahiana and it has the objective of, already in the selection process, offering the candidate the possibility of knowing a little more about his option, helping him to identify his true vocation. For this, the methodology includes the realization of experiences and contact with future teachers and coordinators. The tests take place on December 04th and 05th.

"We are changing the methodologies applied in undergraduate courses and this is now also coming into the selection process. We feel the need to change because the world has changed and is changing at all times", justifies the director of Bahiana, Prof. Maria Luísa Carvalho Soliani. According to her, the new model allows candidates to identify their real vocation and whether they are able to give the answers required by the current world of work.

During breakfast, the first issue of the Journals of Bahiana. The publication, which is being distributed free of charge, in strategic points of the city, brings news about the School's undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as pedagogical, social and sports activities developed by students, professors and employees.



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