

Nursing course meeting discusses university student demands

Event was held in partnership with the Psicopedagógico Care Center.


The Nursing course of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, in partnership with the Núcleo de Attention Psicopedagógico (NAAP), held the first meeting in September with the theme "What do university students demand?". This theme also guided a workshop held by the coordinator of NAPP, Angélica Mendes.

According to the coordinator of the Nursing course, professor Cristiane Magali, the workshop initially had a very peculiar purpose, rescuing the memories of the professors when they were still university students. “This first moment of the workshop was very emotional and provoked important memories, which served as a basis for further discussion”.

In its second moment, the workshop had a theoretical explanation combined with the experiences of the professors as former students and current university professors. The reflections were accompanied by the pedagogical supervisors of the Bahiana, Luzenita Landeiro and Livia Rocha.
For teacher Cristiane Magali, the meeting was an opportunity to share experiences. “This moment enabled us to perceive similarities experienced by teachers and students, bringing up issues related to the contemporary teaching-learning process. This favors growth and the desire for professional improvement”.