

Physical Education Course brings together therapists of Interactive and Complementary Practices

The meeting proposed a dialogue between the various health promotion therapies.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública it brought together, on October 29, professionals and users of Interactive and Complementary Practices (PICs) with the aim of promoting a dialogue to strengthen the various therapies for health promotion. With the title "Somaesthetics: dialogues in PICs”, the meeting was an initiative of the Physical Education course and was attended by therapists from this area and from music therapy, aromatherapy, crystal therapy and biodance.

PICs cover complex medical systems and therapeutic resources that seek to stimulate natural mechanisms for preventing injuries and recovering health, through effective and safe technologies. Among the best known PICs are homeopathy, phytotherapy, Reiki, color therapy, crystal therapy, acupuncture and others that are already accepted by the Unified Health System.

"The idea was to show how each practice can contribute to health promotion", explained the Physical Education course professor and event coordinator, Paulo Rodrigo Aristides, who presented the theme 'Integrative and complementary practices – dilemmas, perspectives and political positioning and social'. "We have a social demand that is different from that outdated biomedical model in which only the biomedical indicators that tell whether the person is healthy or sick are seen. We are past that and we want to advance, understanding the sensitive part of the human being, the spiritual, transcendental part. Within our practice, we have been seeking this broadening of our gaze", reported the professor.

The program also featured Marcelo da Paixão Alves as speakers, with the theme “Sensory vibrational cure: the power of musical instruments”; Adriano Mendes who addressed the theme “Stones and crystals as tools for integral balance”; Psychoaromatherapy, with therapist Telma Insuela and “Biodança: rescuing the integrality of being”, with Cláudia Brito. After the speeches, the therapists made practical demonstrations of their lines of action with the participants.

For the guest speaker and holistic therapist, Adriano Mendes, there is still resistance from people who seek and from the health system itself regarding PICs. “Unfortunately, I still don't see access to SUS in a professional way for practices such as crystal therapy. A pity, because not only the use of stones and crystals, but other complementary health therapies, can improve our system, especially with regard to disease prevention”.
Regarding the possibility of discussing the importance of PICs for health promotion in an educational institution, he emphasizes: “this type of event is of fundamental importance to break the resistance of medical researchers and instigate them to study PICs instead of simply discard them without proper attention. How to refute something without studying its object of action? I don't see these attitudes as scientific.”

For Rosimere Santos, event participant and Reike's therapist, “the activity was highly qualified in relation to the level of diversity of practices and the potential of the speakers involved, since there was an approach at different sensory levels (auditory, tactile and olfactory). Very relevant the opening, in which the speaker Rodrigo brought up the current political situation of practices in the SUS and the regulations in the National Classification Commission (CONCLA)."