

X Northeastern Meeting of Physiotherapy in Women's Health (ENFISM)

Check out the full schedule and sign up. Event is an initiative of the Pelvic Floor Care Center (CAAP).


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública hosts, from October 27th to 29th, the X Northeastern Meeting of Physiotherapy in Women's Health (ENFISM) and the III Northeastern Meeting of Physiotherapy in Men's Health (ENFISH) that will take place at the Cabula Academic Unit Convention Center.

The event is organized by the Pelvic Floor Care Center (CAAP) of the Bahiana, coordinated by the physiotherapist and president of the program, Prof. Patrícia Lordêlo, and will bring together physiotherapists who work in the segment of women's, men's and children's health with a focus on pelveperioneology, in Brazil and abroad.

In celebration of the 10th edition of ENFISM, the I International Congress of Pelviperineology (CONFISP), making Salvador a center for training and qualification.

Check out full schedule. Registration is now open and can be made at the event website.