

Physiotherapy Course at Bahiana starts preparatory program for selection, competition and residency

Classes take place weekly on Wednesdays from 18pm to 20pm.


On August 3, the preparatory course for selection, competition and residency began, promoted by the Physiotherapy course, at the Academic Unit Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. 

During the opening class, students from the Bahiana of the last three semesters and graduates of the first semester had the opportunity to reflect and discuss with the institution's psychologist, coach and Human Resources analyst, Allana Machado, about the construction of a curriculum vitae, interview, group dynamics and all the steps that involve selections in companies, hospitals and clinics.


According to the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course, Prof. Luciana Bilitário, the experience for students and graduates was very interesting, as they were able to discuss selection with trained professionals.
"The course aims to prepare students and graduates more effectively for selections, competition tests and residencies in Physiotherapy and this extension is part of a program created especially for students nearing completion of the course and graduates from Bahiana"He says.

Physiotherapy student Igor Alonso described the experience as fantastic and gratifying for his professional training, and student Caroline Landim highlighted that learning during the course was sensational and enriching. 
Classes take place weekly until the month of November, on Wednesdays from 18 pm to 20 pm, with the proposal to solve multiple choice and discursive questions with the help of renowned physiotherapists and teachers.