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Flemish Athletics School


A mission of learning and solidarity! So was the visit of the group of students and teachers from Bahiana to Escolinha de Atletismo Flamengo, in the municipality of Jaguarari, 408 kilometers from Salvador, on May 20th and 21st.

Altogether, the group of Bahiana 33 people participated, 20 students from undergraduate courses in Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Psychology and Dentistry, in addition to the coordinator of the Physical Education course, Prof. Clarcson Plácido, from the manager of the Psychopedagogical Care Center, Angélica Mendes, from the coordinator of the Candeal Program, Lavínia Boaventura, from the coordinator of People Development at Bahiana, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, in addition to members of the Pedagogical Supervision Nucleus and teachers. The Bahia Academic League for the Study of Pain (LABED), coordinated by Professor Bruno Góes and the Academic League of First Aid, also participated in the activities.

“The purpose of the visit was to promote education and health for the athletes and their families, as well as to promote a series of evaluations to verify the athletes' performance with a battery of tests”, explained the coordinator of the Physical Education course, Clarcson Plácido.
The program included the realization of a First Aid workshop, assessment and identification of pain, physical and morphofunctional assessment tests, health education actions, involving young people and their families. “The population received our visit in a very opportune way, as they developed activities that they do not have access to on a daily basis and that, in a way, brought them to discussions on various topics proposed at the time”, says Plácido.

For the founder and coordinator of the Escolinha de Athletics Flamengo, the physical educator, Antônio Ferreira Bonfim – “Ferreirinha”, “were two days full of joy, emotion and many important activities to strengthen the commitment of students/athletes with the improvement of training , especially the strengthening of family ties. The parents also actively participated in the lectures and orientations of the various professionals who came from Salvador to promote this extremely necessary action, not only for the children enrolled in the Escolinha de Atletismo Flamengo, but for the entire village”.

During the month of May, the Bahiana carried out a campaign to collect sneakers and clothes with the aim of promoting better quality training for the school's athletes. In addition to garments, 72 pairs of shoes were purchased, 32 of which were sneakers, a fundamental item for the athletes' performance.
“Bahiana, has in its DNA, in its structure, since its birth, 64 years ago, the concern to make interventions and support the collective. We have a strong vein of social responsibility and this was the main reason we went to see the Flamengo Athletics School, through the great Ferreirinha, who is a different person, generous, supportive and courageous. These are characteristics that we, Bahiana, we love to be close. Because this commitment, this look at the other, the collective, the social is what makes the difference in the training of our professionals in the health area,” emphasizes professor Luiza Ribeiro.

Another aspect of the action highlighted by the People Development coordinator at Bahiana it was the spirit of detachment and solidarity that imbued the institution's group on this journey. "Last year, when we learned about this project that has been running for 10 years, and we signed a partnership, we decided to go on site to visit and Bahiana it has a very large expertise, today, in social actions and health promotion in communities and groups in vulnerable situations and this is the situation of the little school, which is an oasis in that village of Flamengo, 20 km from Jaguarari, in the sertão . We took students and teachers beyond walls, we went beyond our city, to develop the notion of territory, to understand how health professionals can work in these places that have a different reality than ours, which is urban”.

Professor Clarkson Plácido adds, stating that actions of this nature strengthen the relationship of Bahiana with society and further enhance the pillars of teaching, research and extension “For Bahiana, this type of initiative strengthens its commitment as an academy in relation to society, through extension actions that manage to reach populations located not only where the institution is located, but also Brotas or Cabula, but also breaks barriers and reaches unknown places that need everything that is produced and shared by students. In fact, this is a social and educational commitment, through extension activities that strengthen both teaching and research and properly training and our students”, he concludes.  

Next Thursday, May 26th, Professor Ferreirinha, representing all the students of the Flamengo Athletic School, will carry the Olympic Torch through the streets of Jaguarari.

Flemish Athletics School

Created 10 years ago, the Escolinha de Atletismo Flamengo is a social project that benefits children and teenagers in the district of Flamengo, 20 kilometers from the municipality of Jaguarari, with actions to encourage healthy living and value the family through sport.

This year, the Bahiana, in yet another action of social responsibility, through the Physical Education course, started to support the Escolinha de Atletismo Flamengo.



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