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Photo Gallery

II Health and Social Action Mutirão


On April 30, from 7:13 am to XNUMX:XNUMX pm, the second edition of the Mutirão de Saúde e Ação Social took place. The activity is promoted by Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública in conjunction with Sociedade Hólon, with the teaching-assistance unit Complexo Comunitário Vida Plena as a center of representation and takes place every two months in the neighborhood of Pau da Lima.

The event aimed to promote health care and well-being for the population, thus contributing to social actions.

The activity was integrated by professionals from the Bahiana who work at the Vida Plena Community Complex, students from the Internship of Medicine and volunteer professionals from different areas.

The actions offered had a partnership with institutions such as the Brazilian Institute of Ophthalmology and Prevention of Blindness (IBOPC) and the Federal University of Bahia, through the dermatological service.

In this edition, the performance of students from the Bahiana, as volunteers, through the Leagues of Endocrinology, Pediatrics and Neurology, as well as students of the Nursing course. Also present were students from the Urbanism course at the State University of Bahia (UNEB) who held a workshop on Black Empowerment through aesthetics; the psychologists of Sociedade Hólon who developed actions with young people and caregivers of the elderly about a culture of peace and the participation of professionals in massage therapy and aesthetics in the neighborhood of Pau da Lima.

During the programming, several actions were carried out, such as measuring AT and capillary blood glucose, collection of gynecological preventive, dermatological consultation, dental guidance, skin cleaning, ophthalmological evaluation and guidance on stroke prevention and care for high blood pressure, arboviruses, microcephaly, sexually transmitted infections, HTLV, diabetes mellitus, in addition to a turban workshop. 



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