

I Physical Activity Forum

Programming brings together students and professionals in the field of Physical Education.


Click here to see the poster.

On July 23, from 8:18 am to XNUMX:XNUMX pm, the I Forum on Physical Activity, Health Promotion and Quality of Life in the Perspectives of Primary Health Care will be held at the Academic Unit Cabula da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The program will feature students, professionals in the field of Physical Education and related areas in order to promote a broad discussion about the approaches taken in primary health care programs, involving physical activity programs.

The forum presents as a perspective the discussion on the need to build a comprehensive and interdisciplinary health model for an approach to individuals and groups in its various dimensions. Furthermore, it encompasses how Physical Education professionals can act in primary health care to reduce the fragmentation between health knowledge and practices without diluting the skills and abilities of this category.

250 vacancies will be made available. More information about values ​​and programming can be obtained from the Postgraduate, Research and Innovation and Extension Offices.


8:XNUMX | Opening: Epidemiological bases of the physical activity/health relationship
Prof. Dr. Francisco Jose Godim Pitanga
Coordination: Prof. Clarkson Plácido Conceição dos Santos

09:10 am | Symposium: Physical activity and mental health
9h10 | Until when are we going to neglect physical exercise as a treatment for psychiatric disorders?
Prof. M. Karine Miranda
9h40 | Dilemmas and possibilities of the performance of the Physical Education professional in the CAPS System
Prof. M. João Franco Lima
10:10 am | Discussion
Coordination: Prof. Paulo Rodrigo Santos Aristides 

10:20 am | Break 

10:40 am | Conference: Physical activity, primary care and health promotion
10h40 | Changes in physical activity throughout life: the impact of this behavior on public health
Prof. Mother Ciro Queiroz
11h | Body Practices and Primary Health Care: perspectives and challenges.
Prof. Mother Débora Santos
11:40 am | Discussion
Coordination: Prof. Marcia Neves

12am | Lunch 

14h | Symposium: Chronic diseases in the context of primary health care: perspectives on multidisciplinary work 
14h | Obesity as a public health problem: nutrition and its dilemmas
Prof. Mother Claudia Daltro
14h30 | Women's health in evidence: the interface of Physical Education with the multidisciplinary team
Prof. Tânia Matos
15h | Discussion 
Coordination: Prof. Ailton Factun

15:10 am | Break 

15:30 pm | Experience Report: Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública as an agent for training professionals for primary care: the context of performance of the Physical Education professional 
15h30 | Candeal Project
Prof. Lavinia Boaventura
16h30 | Full Life Community Complex (CCVP)
Prof. Antonio Maurício Brazil
Coordination: Prof. Special Luciano Mello de Carvalho

17h | Lecture: Active lifestyle as a predictor of the absence of comorbidities
Prof. Mother Luis Alberto 
17:30 pm | Discussion
Coordination: Prof. Edson Santos

18h | Closing

Secretariat for Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation and Extension

Academic Unit Brotas 
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Cabula Academic Unit
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206