

NUMEN holds II Research Methodology Workshop

Applications open until February 29th.


From March 2nd to May 11th, the II Workshop on Research Methodology of the Nursing Research Methodology Nucleus (NUMEN) will be held at the Cabula Academic Unit, of  Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. Intended for undergraduate students of all courses at the Bahiana, the workshop is open for free registration until the 29th of February.

The program aims to promote greater improvement in the process of construction of course completion papers (TCC), in the learning methodology and in scientific production. Seven meetings will be held, always on Wednesdays, from 14 pm to 16 pm.

During the workshop, priority will be given to the qualification of students in the institutionalized methodological rules for the production of scientific work, allowing the integration of the curricular components of Instrumental Methodology, Epidemiology I and II, Biostatistics, Applied Research and TCC I and II. At this stage, activities will be promoted that allow for an alignment in the methodological guidelines as well as the growth of scientific production in the Nursing course, through the connection with the GEPEN and NUPEIS nursing research groups.

Prof. Joseneide Santos Queiroz

02 / 03 the 11 / 05

14 to 16:30

25 hours

Number of vacancies


Cabula Academic Unit 

Application period


Module I (02 / 03 / 16) 
Presentation of NUMEN - Prof. Joseneide Queiroz
Search in scientific database - Librarian Patrícia Azevedo de Castro Palmeira

Module II (09 / 03 / 16)
Developing scientific article writing: article title evaluation.
Ethical dilemmas related to research and its publications; 
Brazil Platform and considerations
Prof. Joseneide Queiroz

Module III (16 / 03 / 16)
Lines of Research in Development
Evaluation of the article's objectives
Prof. Cláudia Santana

Module IV (23 / 03 / 16)
Lines of Research in Development
NUPEIS Research Group
Presentation structure of the Qualitative Methodology in the scientific article
Prof. Tânia Bishop

Module V (30 / 03 / 16) 
Lines of Research in Development
GEPEN Research Group
Structure of the presentation of the Quantitative Methodology in the scientific article
Professors Cátia Palmeira, Bárbara Perez and Augusto César

Module VI (06 / 04 / 16)
Uncomplicating the structure of scientific projects and articles (ABNT, Vancouver).
Prof. Max Pepper

Module VII (13 / 04 / 16)
Research lines in development. IC Scholarship Programs. Participation in Notices.
Prof. Thaís Calazans
Spreadsheet Structure for Database
Prof. Márcia Regina Alfano and Prof. Maria Isabel M. Xavier

Module VIII (27 / 04 / 16)
Lines of Research in Development
Submission of articles, choice of journal, pending issues
Professors Mary Gomes and Max Pimenta

Module IX (04 / 05 / 16)
Lines of Research in Development
Presentation of the article in P.Point format for TCC defense.
Prof. Sandra Portela

Module X (11 / 05 / 16)
Seminar for the presentation of articles produced by students.

Secretariat for Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation and Extension

Academic Unit Brotas 
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Cabula Academic Unit
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206