

Zika x microcephaly: prof. Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia defends analytical studies to prove the relationship

In an article by Folha de S. Paulo, professor at Bahiana suggests study suggestions to prove the relationship between Zika virus and microcephaly outbreak. Check the full article.


On February 14, Folha de S. Paulo published the opinion of health experts regarding the (still unproven) relationship between the Zika Virus epidemic and the recent outbreak of microcephaly in babies across Brazil.

For Professor Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia, professor of the Medicine course and researcher linked to the Bahiana, "analytical studies, in which groups are compared, will be fundamental."

"A case-control study, for example, would select babies with microcephaly and normal babies. It would then compare the occurrence of Zika in pregnancy in these two groups, possibly demonstrating that there is more history of Zika in the microcephaly group than there is in the group without her." "This is done quickly," says Luis Cláudio.

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