

Residency in Family and Community Medicine at FESF-SUS and Multiprofessional Residency in Family Health at Fiocruz in partnership with FESF SUS

Enrollment has been extended until February 22, 2016, at 16 pm.


Applications are now open for public selection of residents for the Residency Program in Family and Community Medicine at FESF-SUS and the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family Health at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in partnership with FESF-SUS. There are vacancies for doctor, nurse, physical therapist dentist, physical education teacher, nutritionist and sanitarist. 

The courses will have a scholarship financed by the Ministry of Health for 24 months in the monthly amount of R$ 3.330,43. For the medical resident, there will be a supplementary scholarship in the amount of R$ 3.535,92 and the opportunity to join the specialization course in preceptorship provided for in the National Plan for the Training of Preceptors of the Ministry of Health. With participation in this specialization, the medical resident may receive an additional R$2.500,00, which may total the amount above R$9.366,35 gross.

Enrollments have been extended until the day February 22, 2016, at 16 pm and payment of the bank slip for the same day at bank clearing time, the link is available on the CEFET-Bahia Foundation website (, and the notice can also be accessed through the FESF-SUS website ( The selection will be in a single step through an objective test scheduled for February 27, 2016. The start of activities at the residence is scheduled for March 19, 2016.

The State Family Health Foundation is a public institution under private law, created in 2009, which works in shared management with the State Health Department, Municipalities and the Ministry of Health through agreements and contracts. It currently performs the following services: Home Care, Telehealth Brazil Networks, Bed Regulation (Vitória da Conquista and Juazeiro), Family Health, Institutional Support and Hospital Services.