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CEDIMI receives a visit from Prof. Dr. Israel Franco


On the 7th of October, the Center for Voiding Disorders in Childhood (CEDIMI) received a visit from Prof. Dr. Israel Franco, pediatric urologist at New York Medical College and full member of InternationalContinenceChildren'sSociety.

The meeting, held in the lecture hall of the Academic Unit Brotas, brought together the visitor, students from the Psychology, Physiotherapy and Medicine courses and from the graduate Bahiana, in addition to professors who are part of the CEDIMI framework, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ubirajara Barroso.

During the visit, Dr. Israel Franco visited the facilities where care is provided to patients at CEDIMI, which operates at the Teaching-Care Clinic of the Bahiana. The highlight of the day was in the classroom, when students presented the research that is currently being developed at the center. On that occasion, the visitor discussed each case directly with the students and professors present.

“Professor Israel Franco is one of the most prominent pediatric urologists in the world, an internationally recognized person, mainly in the area of ​​treatment of incontinence and voiding problems in children. Having a visit at our center with this recognition demonstrates the great importance of CEDIMI abroad and its interaction with other international centers”, reports CEDIMI's coordinator, Prof. Dr. Ubirajara Barroso.

Author of numerous scientific publications and videos with an emphasis on the field of neuro-urology, Prof. Dr. Israel Franco is a reference in pediatric urology. The American doctor, who has already been in Brazil in 2010, says that his interest in the segment of uropediatric disorders began with his residency in urology, when he could be guided by a pediatric urologist. The interest in furthering his studies and becoming a researcher came later. “In 1997, we found that the treatments used then did not work. So, we had to find other ways to take care of children who had this type of problem”, says Franco.

The visitor got to know CEDIMI through meetings with Prof. Dr. Ubirajara Barroso at international urology congresses. “What caught my attention was the quality of the scientific papers presented by Professor Barroso in the field of uropediatrics”.

The visit of Dr. Israel Franco is another of the initiatives that have been promoted by the newly created Institutional Academic Relations and Internationalization center at Bahiana (REAII) which aims to support exchanges and disseminate the institution's academic work. “REAII has this function of building a transcultural space, where we can listen to other ways of doing health, exchanges, receive people, visit universities and exchange experiences with different approaches”, explains the coordinator of the nucleus, Prof. Maria Antonieta Araújo.

“All CEDIMI's activities are guided by the International Society of Pediatric Incontinence and Dr. Israel Franco is part of this entity as he is one of the most important names in uropediatrics and, for us, it is an honor to receive him, as he had the opportunity to get to know our service”, explains the Physiotherapy teacher, Maria Luiza Veiga.

According to the student Rafaela Rabelo of the 6th semester of Medicine and member of CEDIMI, receiving such an important visit is an honor for the Bahiana. “I develop work at CEDIMI in the area of ​​radiology and, for us, it is a great pleasure to receive Dr. Israel Franco at the institution, as he has a background in pediatric urology, and is a reference for CEDIMI. So, presenting works and receiving feedback from an icon in the area is important to maintain the quality of the center”, he says.

“As I've been at CEDIMI for a year, following all the processes, receiving this visit is as if we saw Freud walking, it's a similar analogy to that, as we can see a reference here. It is important, as we have contact with a professional who dominates the area”, says student Jessica Teles, 10th semester of the Psychology course.

According to the 6th semester student of the Physiotherapy course, Ananda Nacif, all the work developed at CEDIMI is based on scientific work, much more than on books, and being able to be in contact with such an important reference is a professional achievement. “It's a very big responsibility because, in a way, we ended up idealizing this professional and being in front of him is the opportunity we have to receive a contribution to our work”, concludes Ananda.



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