

XV MCC - Papers approved for presentation

Check the room and time for the presentation of oral communication works/experiential practices.


The list of papers approved for presentation at the XV MCC is available for consultation. The lists with the names of those selected are organized in alphabetical order and separated according to the category of work (Oral communication/Experiential practices and Poster).

Poster presentations will be held on October 2, 2015, in the morning, and divided into two groups. The first group (P1) will present the posters from 10:15 am to 11:45 am; the second group (P2), from 12:13 to 30:15. An interval of XNUMX minutes was stipulated for the exchange of groups. Presenters must remain at the side of their respective works during the entire exhibition period for their group. The allocation of groups is indicated in the list with the names and codes of the works - it is essential that the works are fixed in the exhibitor corresponding to their respective code.


Oral communications will take place at two different times. On October 1st, from 14 pm to 18 pm, the work of PIBIC grantees will be presented (BAHIANA, FAPESB and CNPq). On October 2nd, also from 14 pm to 18 pm, presentations of non-PIBIC oral communications will be held. The distribution of rooms and schedules will be announced later on the institution's website.


COMMENTS: A poster template is available for download. Use is recommended but not mandatory. However, it is essential to use the brand of Bahiana in the job header. It is essential for PIBIC students to use the brands of the development agencies that finance their respective scholarships. PIBIC students Bahiana shall use the logo of the Research and Innovation Coordination of the Bahiana. To make the posters, see the event regulations.