

I Health and Entertainment Fair is promoted in the neighborhood of Brotas

Programming is organized by the Social Mobilization Group against Dengue Brotas together with Bahiana.


On the 11th and 12th of September, the XNUMXst Health and Entertainment Fair of the Social Mobilization Group against endemic diseases was promoted, organized by the Social Mobilization Group against Dengue Brotas, led by Fabi Amélio Bitencourt. “The fair aims to promote health and education actions with leisure in the populous neighborhood of Brotas. The population's lack of information on how to take care of health mobilized the group to spread the program”, explains Fabi.

The programming was carried out together with Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and brought together students and professors in activities with the participation of Academic Leagues of Nursing and Physiotherapy.

The activities of the Physiotherapy course involved the Academic Leagues: LABED (LA for the study of pain), LANEP (LA in Neonatology and Pediatrics), LAFIH (LA in Hospital Physiotherapy), LAFORTE (LA in Physiotherapy and Sport), LASM (LA in Women's Health) and LADEF (LA in Dermatofunctional and Aesthetics) and their guiding professors. 

At the time, undergraduates and teachers provided guidance on intimate health for women and children, on the prevention of domestic accidents for parents and children, sexual guidance for adolescents and parents, assessment of functional capacity, post-assessment guidance for better performance of activities of daily living, among others.


All actions were supervised by professors from the Bahiana. “Students described how fantastic the experience of developing these actions in the community was,” says the teacher and physiotherapist, Gleide Glícia.

The teachers Aidê Nunes, Claudete Varella, Luana Costa, Rita Reis, together with undergraduate students, developed activities related to strengthening levels of information about tuberculosis through reception, individual guidance and distribution of folders and the use of other educational resources. The action involved the community, especially elementary and high school students. 

The HTLV theme was worked on together with the HTLVida Association, where information about HTLV infection was disseminated, both from teachers and students, and through the testimony of association members, who are carriers of the virus. “The moment was different for students and professors in the community and with other professionals who were at the fair working in various segments such as immunization and sexually transmitted diseases”, reports Nursing Prof. Aidê Nunes.

“Developing a program aimed at the community with the effective participation of students allows them to develop work in a humanized way and with attention to the needs of the population”, concludes the coordinator of the Nursing course, Cristiane Magali.

The coordinator of the Physiotherapy course, Luciana Bilitário, concluded that "actions with this educational nature and especially aimed at promoting health are essential to bring academia closer to the community."