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Inaugural class of the Psychology course - 2015.2


“I started studying engineering and left the course to study Psychology. My family was waiting for an engineer and I'm going to become a psychologist”, concludes Felipe Nicori, an 18-year-old freshman in the Psychology course who attended the inaugural class, last Friday, the 24th, at the Academic Unit Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.


The program brought together professors, students and freshmen of the Psychology course to discuss the theme “Formation and performance in Psychology: Experience Reports”. Present were the coordinator of the Psychology course, Sylvia Barreto, Prof. Maria Beatriz Barreto and former students Patrícia Fernandes, Ângela Santana and Carolina Queiroz.


“We chose, in 2015.2, for the inaugural class to invite three former students who are working in different areas of Psychology, to talk a little about the experience of the course as students and what the contribution of this experience to the professional area was”, reported Coordinator of the Psychology course, Sylvia Barreto.


Former student and organizational psychologist Carolina Queiroz, 24, reported that it is a great satisfaction to return to Bahiana to tell you a little about his role in psychology. “It is a great satisfaction to share my experience as a psychologist with people who are arriving and who are completing the course and do not yet know the area of ​​psychology they will enter”.


“Back to Bahiana, now as a professional, it is very gratifying, as it is interesting that new students are open to enriching themselves with this experience”, concludes Patrícia Fernandes, former student and Clinical Psychologist of the Graduate Program of the Psychology Service at Bahiana.



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