

I International Congress on the Prison System in the XNUMXst Century is held in Salvador

Event is promoted by the company MINDPSI.


From July 31 to August 2, the first International Congress on the Prison System in the XNUMXst century takes place at the Hotel Fiesta Convention Center, in the Itaigara district, in Salvador.

The event is promoted by the company MINDPSI and aims to apply and promote psychological knowledge relating it to mental health, law and socio-juridical studies. In addition to dialoguing with legal and psychological professionals, as well as other interested parties about the current situation of the prison system, it will address its main obstacles, promoting an overview of the topic and seeking, through the dialectical method, the necessary solutions to overcome these problems.

The program will feature the presence of renowned Brazilian and foreign speakers and the support of universities and colleges in Bahia, among them, the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The congress will cost R$250,00 for students and R$300,00 for professionals, however, for the facilitating universities, the promotional value is R$200,00 for students and R$250,00 for professionals.

For more information about the schedule, please email: and telephone: (55) 71-33039831/ 71-91625064/ 71-86623190