

IV Scientific Café is held at Bahiana

Event integrates students and professors of undergraduate courses in Health.


"The proposal of the IV Café Científico aims at an interdisciplinary practice in health, initially with the courses of Nursing and Biomedicine, but includes the other health courses of the 1st and 2nd semesters of the curricular components of psychology and health, development of the cycle of life and ethics and bioethics”, explains Arlene Alves, professor of Nursing in the Psychology and Health discipline and a member of the Café's organizing committee, about the program held on June 10, at the Cabula da Academic Unit. Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

Professors Lidiane Guedes and Sandra Portella also coordinated the event. The program included teachers and students from the 1st and 2nd semesters of the undergraduate courses of the Bahiana who presented works developed throughout 2015.1 with cross-cutting and interdisciplinary themes.

The event was attended by the coordinators of the courses in Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Dentistry and Medicine and provided the Café com Ciência – “What I learned at Bahiana”, coordinated by the pedagogical supervisor Lígia Vilas Bôas. In addition, undergraduate students presented presentations with the themes: the borders between care and health, sexual diversity: gender and human rights, playful aspects of nursing biomorphology, interdisciplinarity and social action, humanization of childbirth and health education with playfulness.

Café com Arte featured a photographic exhibition on projected looks, a presentation of “Arthur and his Band” and an exhibition of the health system in the world. A lecture by Prof. Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, João André de Oliveira, on “Powers and challenges of the Interdisciplinary Meeting in Health”, coordinated by Maria de Lourdes Freitas – Coordinator of Undergraduate and Graduate Education at Bahiana. 

Café com Afeto, in turn, paid tribute to Candeal Project coordinator, Lavínia Boaventura, administrative assistant Lidiane Santos, Biomedicine assistant Luciana Santos, Biomedicine professor Luís Sergio, Pedagogical supervisor Ligia Vilas Boas, a maid of the Cabula Academic Unit, Mary Santos, and the Nursing professor, Sandra Portella. In the afternoon shift, workshops were held with themes on: maddening harmony, harm reduction and reduction of legal age.

"The Café proposal aligned the works that most presented the criteria of interdisciplinarity and the main objective of the proposal is to lead students who are starting academic training, thinking about the production of health, from a knowledge and flavor provided by the exercise in group, concludes the coordinator, professor of the Nursing, Biomedicine and Psychology courses, Lidiane Guedes.

The Café encouraged students to understand the syllabus also related to other health courses. “I did work in the classroom with 10 teams and was selected to present my work on the humanization of birth in the Café”, reports student Leandro Pereira, from the 1st semester of the Psychology course. 

The coordinator of the Café and Professor of Nursing, Sandra Portella, says that students need this intercourse integration, as the event brought together all health courses promoting interdisciplinarity. "THE Bahiana there is this idea not only of intercourse but “trans” and we make a movement to be together in favor of integrated learning”, he concludes.